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Faculty In-Charge, Continuing Professional Education, Institutional Finance


Education : Ph.D. (University of Iowa)

Dr. V. Sridhar (vsridhar@iiitb.ac.in) is a Professor at the Centre for IT and Public Policy at the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore, India.  He is the author of three books: Telecom Revolution in India: Technology, Regulation and Policy (2012), The Dynamics of Spectrum Management: Legacy, Technology, and Economics (2014), and Emerging ICT Policies and Regulations: Roadmap to Digital Economies (2019). He has recently edited a book titled Data-Centric Living: Algorithms, Digitization and Regulation published by Routledge (2022). Dr. Sridhar has taught at many institutions in the USA, Finland, New Zealand and India. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California, U.S.A. during May-June, 2021; April-May, 2022 and June 2024. He has received funding from different sources, both national and international for his research projects, recent ones being from Facebook. He has been a member of Government of India committees on Telecom and IT and has published many peer-reviewed articles in telecom and information systems journals. He has also written more than 300 article in newspapers and magazines on telecom regulation in India. Dr. Sridhar has a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa, U.S.A. His complete work can be accessed at: http://www.vsridhar.info

His complete works can be accessed at: http://www.vsridhar.info; Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AhDz6fEAAAAJ&hl=en; IRINS: https://iiitb.irins.org/profile/155003


Techno-economic growth modeling of telecommunication networks and services; Radio spectrum allocation, management and policy; Telecommunications, Internet and Privacy policy issues in developing countries; Agent-Based Modeling of techno-economic systems; Techno-economics of digital economy and platforms; Management of Distributed Software Projects

  1. Only the very recent ones are presented here. For a complete list of publications, please refer to www.vsridhar.info 


  1. Sridhar, V. (2022). Data Centric Living: Algorithms, Digitization and Regulation. Edited Volume. Routledge.Hardcover: ISBN 9780367536534; Paperback: ISBN 9780367554170, https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003093442
  2. Sridhar, V. (2019). Emerging ICT Policies and Regulations: Roadmap to Digital Economies. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9022-8.
  3. Prasad, R., and Sridhar, V. (2014). The Dynamics of Spectrum Management: Legacy, Technology, and Economics. Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198099789.001.0001.
  4. Sridhar, V. (2012). Telecom Revolution in India: Technology, Regulation and Policy. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press, ISBN-13: 978-0-19-807553-0; ISBN-10: 0-19-807553-7.
  5. Sridhar, V. and Saha, D. and (2013). (Ed.) Web-Based Multimedia Advancements in Data Communications and Networking Technologies (as part of the series in Advances in Business Data Communications and Networking), Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global, ISBN: 978-1-4666-2026-1 (Hardcover); ISBN: 978-1-4666-2027-8 (eBook).
  6. Saha, D. and Sridhar, V. (2012). (Ed.) Next Generation Data Communications Technologies: Emerging Trends (as part of the series in Advances in Business Data Communications and Networking), Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global, ISBN: 978-1-61350-477-2(Hardcover), ISBN: 978-1-61350-478-9 (eBook).
  7. Sridhar, V. and Saha, D. (2011). (Ed.) Recent Advances in Broadband Integrated Network Operations and Services Management (as part of the series in Advances in Business Data Communications and Networking), Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global, ISBN: 978-1-60960-589-6 (Hardcover), ISBN: 978-1-60960-590-2 (eBook).

Recent Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Mitra, Anuradha., Sridhar, V., Sarangi, Gopal. (2024). Analysing Spectrum Administration for 5G in India using a policy Delphi. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries. https://doi.org/10.1177/17835917241267881 
  2. Prasad, R., Sridhar, V. (2024). From Net Neutrality to Digital Neutrality: 5G Networks and beyond. Economic & Political Weekly. LIX(26&27). 52-56.
  3. Sridhar, V., Logani, Bhuwnesh., Parthasarathy, Balaji., Mudliar, Preeti. (Accepted). Modelling and analysis of the market dynamics and regulation of online gig work. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance.
  4. Upreti, Arvind., Sridhar, V. (March 2024). Assessing the Effect of Task Automation in Labor Markets: Case of IT Services Industry. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society. 5(1), 107-117. https://doi.org/10.1109/TTS.2024.3365423
  5. Mitra, Anuradha., Sridhar, V., Sarangi, Gopal. (October 2024). Net Neutrality and 5G in India- a policy Delphi survey. Law, State and Telecommunications Review. 16(2), 31-47.  
  6. Prasad, Rohit, Sridhar, V. (2023). The integrated sphere of coopetition of digital services and the regulatory approach of diagonal equity. Telecommunications Policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2023.102700
  7. Mitra, Anuradha., Sridhar, V., Sarangi, Gopal. (2023). Way leaves, rights of way and ducting policies for 5G mobile network deployment in India using international best practices. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance. 26(2). 153-168. https://doi.org/10.1108/DPRG-03-2023-0037.
  8. Mitra, Anuradha., Sridhar, V., Sarangi, Gopal. (2022). Spectrum Administration for Mobile Services in India: Need for a Regime Change. Journal of Information Policy. https://doi.org/10.5325/jinfopoli.12.2022.0008  
  9. Prasad, Rohit., Aeron, Prageet., Sridhar, V. (2022). New determinants of spectrum price in a 5G world. Applied Economics. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2022.2094332
  10. Upreti, Arvind, Sridhar, V.  (2022). The Dynamics of Task Automation and Worker Adjustment in Labour Markets: An Agent Based Approach. Advances in Complex Systems. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219525922500059 
  11. Gupta, Shagufta., Ghosh, Poulomi., Sridhar, V. (2022). Impact of Data Trade Restrictions on IT Services Export: A Cross-Country Analysis. Telecommunications Policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2022.102403 
  12. Dhamange, Prachi., Soni, Sarthak, Sridhar, V., Rao, Shrisha. (2022). Market Dynamics and Regulation of a Crowd-Sourced AI Marketplace. IEEE Access. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3171254 
  13. Balaji Raykar, D., & Sridhar, V. (2022, February). Elicitation of Personal Data Categories for Implementing Data Protection: An Exploratory Study in an Educational Institution. In 15th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (pp. 1-10).

  14. Deepti Balaji Raykar, V Sridhar, "Human-Centric Elicitation of Context-Oriented Personal Data categories: An Exploratory Study in an Educational Institution," 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), September 20 - 24, 2021 at Notre Dame, South Bend USA. pp 432-433.

  15. Sridhar, V., Prasad, Rohit. (2021). Analysis of Spectrum Pricing for Commercial Mobile Services: A Cross Country Study. Telecommunications Policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2021.102221 (can be viewed for limited time at: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1dRnJ16AgYAzqf ).

  16. Chouhan, Amitoj Singh., Sridhar, V., Shrisha Rao.  (2021). Service Provider Strategies in Telecommunications Markets: Analytical and Simulation Analysis. Sādhanā ( Published by the Indian Academy of Sciences), 46-44. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12046-020-01535-7. (can be viewed at: https://rdcu.be/cfMJx )
  17. Sridhar, V., Girish K, Badrinarayan M. (2020). Analysis of Crowdsourced Data for Estimating Data Speeds across Service Areas of India. Telecommunication Systems. DOI: 10.1007/s11235-020-00736-z
  18. Potluri, Sai Rakshith, Sridhar, V., Rao, Shrisha. (2020). Effects of Data Localization on Digital Trade: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach. Telecommunications Policy. 44(9). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2020.102022 
  19. Sridhar, V., Vadivelu, Selvaraj. (2020). Satellite phone development through an off-shore, outsourcing partnership: Client and Vendor Experiences. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. 
  20. Nandakishore, K.N., Sridhar, V., Srikanth, T.K. (2020). Key Quality of Service Attributes of Digital Platforms. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems. 30(1), 94-119. 
  21. Sridhar, V. (2019). Building a High Technology Product out of India: The Intelli-Fi way. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. 
  22. Sridhar, V. (2018). Gaming Robosoft Way: A Global Tech Start-up from a Small Town in India. Asian Business Case Centre. Case No: ABCC-2018-034. Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 
  23. Sridhar, V. (2018). Vistaar lends itself to small businesses. Asian Business Case Centre. Case No: ABCC-2018-029. Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 
  24. Sridhar, V., Selvaraj, V. (2017). Management of Outsourced Satellite Phone Development Project: Sasken’s Experience. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. 7(2), 114-121, DOI: 10.1057/s41266-017-0019-1.

​Chapters in Edited Books

  1. V. Sridhar, and Srinivasan, Janaki. (2022). Data Centric Living: An Introduction. In V. Sridhar (Ed.) Data Centric Living: Algorithms, Digitization and Regulation. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003093442. 1-14.

  2. Arvind Upreti, and V. Sridhar. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and its Effect on Employment and Skilling. In V. Sridhar (Ed.) Data Centric Living: Algorithms, Digitization and Regulation. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003093442. 31-55.

  3. V. Sridhar, V., Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair, Pritesh Rajesh Ghogale, and Reddy Rani Vangimalla. (2022). Sharing and Use of Non-Personal Health Information: Case of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In V. Sridhar (Ed.) Data Centric Living: Algorithms, Digitization and Regulation. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003093442. 133-166.

  4. V. Sridhar, Deepti Balaji Raykar, and T. K. Srikanth. (2022). Evaluation of Privacy Policies of Digital Firms. In V. Sridhar (Ed.) Data Centric Living: Algorithms, Digitization and Regulation. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003093442. 169-201.

  5. Deepti Balaji Raykar, V. Sridhar, and T. K. Srikanth. (2022). Incorporating Regulatory Requirements in building Software.In V. Sridhar (Ed.) Data Centric Living: Algorithms, Digitization and Regulation. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003093442. 202-222.

  6. V. Sridhar, Sai Rakshith Potluri, and Shrisha Rao. (2022). Data Localization and its effects on Cross-Border Digital Trade. In V. Sridhar (Ed.) Data Centric Living: Algorithms, Digitization and Regulation. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003093442. 262-282.

  7. Sridhar, V., Kotta, Chandana. (2020). Regulatory Framework for the National AI Market Place. In Competition and Regulation in India 2019: Digital Economy – Hitting the rest button on Competition and Regulatory Governance, Jaipur, India: CUTS International. ISBN: 978-81-8257-281-2. 131-147.

  8. Sridhar, Kala Seetharam and V. Sridhar. (2021) Dr.Singh—The Leader, Institution Builder and a Great Human Being, in Dr. Pritam Singh: Alchemist Guru, edited by Asha Bhandarker, New Delhi: Sage, forthcoming.
  9. Sridhar, V., Kotta, Chandana. (2020). Regulatory Framework for the National AI Market Place. In Competition and Regulation in India 2019: Digital Economy – Hitting the rest button on Competition and Regulatory Governance, Jaipur, India: CUTS International. ISBN: 978-81-8257-281-2. 131-147.
  10. Sridhar, V. (2016). Two-Sided Markets and their Impact on Economy: Cases from India. In Pursuing Competition and Regulatory Reforms for Achieving SDGs. ISBN: 978-81-8257-244-7, Jaipur, India: CUTS International, 253-278.
  11. Sridhar, V., Casey, T., and Hämmäinen, H. (2014). A Causal Model Analysis of Spectrum Management Policies. In Hu, W-C. (Ed.). Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Telecommunications, Wireless Systems, and Mobile Computing, DOI 10.4018/978-1-4666-4715-2.ch004, ISBN13: 9781466647152; EISBN13: 9781466647169, Hershey,PA, USA: IGI Global, 59-80.
  12. Sridhar, V., and Basaure, A. (2014). DSA Applications and Scenerios: Cases of Finland and India. In Medeisis, A., & Holland, O. (Ed.). Cognitive Radio Policy and Regulation:  Techno-Economic Studies to Facilitate Dynamic Spectrum Access. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04022-6, ISBN 978-3-319-04021-9, ISBN 978-3-319-04022-6 (eBook), Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 75-79.
  13. Basaure, A. and Sridhar, V. (2014). Introduction of DSA: The Role of Industry Openness and Spectrum Policy. In Medeisis, A., & Holland, O. (Ed.). Cognitive Radio Policy and Regulation:  Techno-Economic Studies to Facilitate Dynamic Spectrum Access. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04022-6, ISBN 978-3-319-04021-9, ISBN 978-3-319-04022-6 (eBook), Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 270-277.
  14. Sridhar, V., Casey, T., and Hämmäinen, H. (2014). A Causal Model Analysis of Spectrum Management Policies. In Hu, W.C. (Ed.). Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Telecommunications, Wireless Systems, and Mobile Computing. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4715-2, ISBN13: 9781466647152, ISBN10: 1466647159, EISBN13: 9781466647169, Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
  15. Sridhar, V. (2013). Mobile partnerships and alliances. In Bruck, P., & Rao, M. (Ed.). Global Mobile: Applications and Innovations for the Worldwide Mobile Ecosystem. ISBN-10: 1573874620 | ISBN-13: 978-1573874625. 
  16. Sridhar, V., Casey, T., and Hämmäinen, H. (2014). A Causal Model Analysis of Spectrum Management Policies. In Hu, W-C. (Ed.). Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Telecommunications, Wireless Systems, and Mobile Computing, DOI 10.4018/978-1-4666-4715-2.ch004, ISBN13: 9781466647152; EISBN13: 9781466647169, Hershey,PA, USA: IGI Global, 59-80.
  17. Sridhar, V., and Basaure, A. (2014). DSA Applications and Scenerios: Cases of Finland and India. In Medeisis, A., & Holland, O. (Ed.). Cognitive Radio Policy and Regulation:  Techno-Economic Studies to Facilitate Dynamic Spectrum Access. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04022-6, ISBN 978-3-319-04021-9, ISBN 978-3-319-04022-6 (eBook), Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 75-79.

Conference Presentations

  1. Deepti Balaji Raykar, V Sridhar, "Human-Centric Elicitation of Context-Oriented Personal Data categories: An Exploratory Study in an Educational Institution," 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), September 20 - 24, 2021 at Notre Dame, South Bend USA. pp 432-433.
  2. Sridhar, V. (2018). Internet access and Economic Development: Comparative Study of India and China. Indo-China Conference 2018 on "Economic Growth in India and China: Social and Economic Impacts", jointly organised by Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) and Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), Bangalore, 27-28 September 2018.
  3. Sridhar, V. (2016). Cross border digital flows and its economic impacts, 14th South Asian Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) Annual Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, 7-8 November, 2016.

Post Graduate Courses (currently teaching)

  1. Information Economics and Product Finance
  2. Data Analysis and Visualization
  3. Privacy in Digital Age
  4. Quantitative Data Analysis for Public Policy
  5. Techno-Economics of Networks
  6. IT Project and Product Management
  7. ICT Policy and Regulation

Undergraduate Courses(currently teaching)

  1. Economics​

Funded Research Projects​

  1. Srinivasan, Janaki, Sridhar, V., T.K. Srikanth. “My data or yours?: Unraveling multi‐party privacy among consumers of digital credit in India", Center for Effective Global Action’s Digital Credit Observatory (DCO), University of California Berkeley, USA (as part of the research funding initiative of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. USD 31,753 (Dec 2022-Jul 2024). 
  2. Prasad Rohit, Sridhar, V. "Formulating a Regulatory Response to 5G". Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relatations (ICRIER) and Vodafone Idea Centre for Telecom (InViCT) for INR 6,30,000 (Aug 2022-Feb 2023). 
  3. Sridhar, V., Mishra, Amrita. Ethical 6G - Identifying Elements of Ethical Framework for "6G and Creating Opportunities for India and Australia". Consumer Unity Trust & Society International (As part of Australia-India Cyber and Critical Technology: Cyber and Critical Technology Grants Application 2021) (May 2022-Current). 
  4. Sridhar, V., Balaji, Parthasarathy, & Preeti Mudliar. Online and offline livelihoods - An analysis of the impact of the gig economy on worker participation. Azim Premji University Research Grant. Funded by Azim Premji University (Oct 2019 – Mar 2021) for INR 19,55,800
  5. Sridhar, V. & Shrisha Rao. Regulatory Impact Assessment of the National AI Market Place of India. Facebook AI Ethics Research Grant funded by Facebook (Oct 2019-Mar 2020). For INR 14,08,750.
  6. Sridhar, V. & Prasad, Rohit. The Future of Licensed Spectrum in a 5G-OTT World. Funded by the Indian Institute of Management IDEA Telecom Centre of Excellence (Apr 2019-Dec 2020) for Rs. 18,48,230/-
  7. Sridhar, V. “Cross-border Digital Flows and its Economic Impacts”, selected for funding of $9,600 (one of 10 selected) in the South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) 16th Round Regional Research Competition. Feb 2015-Jan 2016.
  8. Sridhar, V., & Prasad, Rohit. A techno-economic study of Spectrum of the Commons and associated policy implications. Funded by the Indian Institute of Management IDEA Telecom Centre of Excellence for Rs. 488,750), (Jan 2015-Dec 2015).
  9. A Study on the Potential Adoption of E-Learning on Portable Mobile Devices and its Impact on Wireless Broadband Usage. Funded by the Indian Institute of Management IDEA Telecom Centre of Excellence (Apr 2011-Apr 2013) for Rs. 172,000). (with Subhash P and Siddarth Gaikwad).

Ph.D./ Fellow Programme/ M.S. Thesis Guided

Current Scholars: 

  1. Asilata Karandikar. (Current). Analsis of privacy and data protection of individuals and groups under the social contract theory between the state and subjects.  (Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor).

  2. Chandrima Bhattacharya. (Current). Modeling and analysis of the global Gig labour platforms. (Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor).

  3. Reijul Sachdev. (Current). Modeling and analysis of deviations of privacy regulations by firms and individuals. (Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor).

  4. Shyam Beriwal. (Current). Agent Based Modeling and Analysis of E-Commerce Platforms. IIIT Bangalore. (M.S. Thesis Supervisor).

  5. Siddhartha Lal. (Current). Analysis of the orientation and progress of Computer Science students towards introductory courses: A cross country study. (M.S. Thesis Supervisor).

  6. Ashwini Baje. (Current). Understanding the role of farmer collectives and agritech startups in agricultural value chains. IIITB (Ph.D. Dissertation Advisory Committee Member).

  7. Swapnil Shrivastava. (Current). Privacy Aware Access Control for Healthcare Ecosystem. IIIT-B (Ph.D. Dissertation Advisory Committee Member).

  8. Beryl Gnanaraj. (Current). Eye-gaze tracking for estimating respondent cognitive load in an online healthcare survey.  IIIT-B (Ph.D. Dissertation Advisory Committee Member).

At Other Institutes:

  1. Anuradha Mitra. (Current). Redesigning Indian Telecom Regulation for a 5G Future.The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India (Ph.D. Thesis Co-Supervisor).

Graduated Scholars: 

  1. Pramoth Joseph. (Current). An investigation of Open Innovation, Open Platoform and Open Source. IIIT-B (M.S. Thesis Supervisor). 
  2. Sanjay, VP. (Current). ICT-enabled transformations in agriculture markets and participation of smallholding farmers. IIIT-B (Ph.D. Thesis Advisory Committee Member).
  3. Deepti Anand. (Current). Analysis of System Requirements Specification of software systems for regulatory and standard compliance. IIIT-B (Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor).
  4. Arvind Upreti. (Current) Analysis of the automation of tasks in the profession of Information Technology (IT) and its impact on the occupation of the IT services industry. IIIT-B (Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor).

Company Board Positions Held

  1. Independent Director (Non-Executive). Expleo Solutions Ltd. (April 2024-Current)

Administrative Positions Held

  1. Professor-in-charge, Continuing Professional Education, IIIT Bangalore (Current)
  2. Professor-in-charge, Institutional Finance, IIIT Bangalore (Current)
  3. Dean (Research & Consulting: 2003-2008), Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India.

Editorial Board

  1. Co-Editor (2009-2013), International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, (ISSN: 1548-0631, eISSN: 1548-064X), Idea Group Publishing.
  2. Member of the Editorial Board, Telecom Business Review. Symbiosis International University
  3. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Global Information Management, Idea Group Publishing

Government and Professional Committees (Current)

  1. Expert, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information Technology for the year 2021-22 and 2022-23, for the subject "Inter-sectoral review of challenges of emerging and converging technologies, entities and practices. 11 Nov 2021-Current. 
  2. Member, Advisory Committee, Facebook India Tech Scholars Programme, Faceboook India, July 2021-Current.
  3. Member, IT and ITeS Sectional Committee, Services Sector Department 10, Bureau of Indian Standards, June 2020 – Current.
  4. Member, Technical and Financial Advisory Committee, E-Procurement, Centre for E-Governance, Government of Karnataka. Apr 2019-Current.
  5. Member, Think Tank on Digital Markets, Competition Commission of India. Sep 2018 – Current.
  6. Member Secretary of the Task Group on Karnataka Cyber Security Vision, Karnataka Jnana AAyoga (Karnataka Knowledge Commission).  State of Karnataka, India. January 2018 – Jun 2019.
  7. Member of Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS) Association, Sep 2014-Current.
  8. Member of the Review Committee of IIMA IDEA Telecom Centre of Excellence (IITCOE), Indian Institute of Managament Ahmedabad, May 2012- Current.

Research and Teaching Awards

  1. Visiting Scholar, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, May-June, 2021; April-May, 2022; June 2024. 
  2. Visiting Scholar, Kogod School of Business, American University, Washington DC, June-July, 2023. 
  3. Visiting Scholar, Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. April-May, 2007; April-May, 2011. 
  4. Visiting Faculty, Department of Management Science and Information Systems, The University of Auckland Business School, Auckland, New Zealand, March-June, 2012; April-June, 2013. 
  5. Fourth Annual Excellence in Research Journal Award 2010, IGI Global (for the Best Article titles 'Challenges of Information Security Management in an R&D Services Company: Case of WirelessComSoft' in the Journal of Cases in Information Technology)
  6. Award for Excellence in Research, Management Development Institute Gurgaon 2007-2008
  7. Nokia Visiting Fellow, Awarded by Nokia Research Foundation, Hosted by Networking Lab, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, Apr-June, 2007
  8. Best Faculty Award, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, 2000-2001.