


Virtual Tour

Aikyam is the social wing of IIIT Bangalore that was started in 2008 by the students of IIIT Bangalore. It is an initiative taken to help the poor and the needy and understand our social responsibility. It is committed to the cause of humanity and through its different initiatives, strived to make a lasting difference in the lives of the several individuals who have been pushed to the margins of the society due to social or economic conditions. 

Major events conducted were :
Joy of Giving –Every year they celebrate Diwali as a family with all members of our staff by inviting them along with their loved ones to join and organize games and fun-filled activities for them. They also provide them clothes and money contributed by the students, along with sweets and crackers so that they could mingle with us on the occasion. They frequently collect articles like clothes, food and books from the students and donate them to the needy.  last year on Eid, they collected these articles and donated them to the Goonj society.

‘Aikyam Trips’ is to visit orphanages occasionally and spend their day with the children there. They buy the necessary items for the children there and also give the funds collected to the orphanage. On the occasion of Children’s Day they visited the ‘Desire Society - a home for HIV affected kids (aged between 3-15) , and ‘Swanthana’ - which is a home for mentally and physically challenged girls.

Social Awareness Plan: They conduct activities in college to spread social awareness among the students. Some of them are, - The Little Things and The Tiny Tales. The Little Things is an initiative where the students make a short video to convey their concern to protect the environment or to support a social cause. The Tiny Tales is another such event where the students write a line or two on what they think they can do for the society.

They also help in organizing Blood Donation Camp at our college and involved in many inspirational activities. The club continues to bring such motivating and encouraging program in the future as well. If you are interested to join or to contribute in any form kindly contact us:

Current Club Members:

Manpreet Kaur Jaswal(PH2016006)

Chirag Bansal (IMT2019024)

Shivani Shah (MS2019016)

Sai Rithwik M (IMT2018061)

Chandrika Bhuyan (MT2020056)

Saad Patel (IMT2018514)

Contact: aikyam@iiitb.org
