


Virtual Tour

Assistant Professor


Education : Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State University)

Aswin Kannan holds a Doctorate from Penn State (Advisor: Dr. Uday Shanbhag), a Masters from Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (both in the US), and a Bachelors from College of Engineering Guindy (India). Prior to joining IIIT Bangalore, he worked for Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin in the Mathematics department as a faculty member (Group Leader). Even earlier, he had worked for IBM Research (India, 2015-2021), Oracle Analytics (Boston, US, 2014-2015), and Argonne National Labs (Chicago, US, 2010-2012). His research interests fall at the intersection of multiobjective optimization and machine learning. From an applications standpoint, these cover domains from energy systems, imaging and retail to portfolio analytics and compliance.