


Virtual Tour

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)


Education : Ph.D. (University of Alabama)

Madhav Rao received his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alabama, Master of Science in Microelectronics from University of Arkansas, and BE in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from University of Mumbai.

His group is working on Evolutionary algorithms for standard cell synthesis, Approximate computing VLSI circuit design, and Hardware efficient AI designs. He is also involved in the development of surgical and assistive biomedical devices in collaboration with NIMHANS faculty group. He is a recipient of Visvesvaraya Young Faculty fellowship award, sponsored by MEITY, India for the year 2016-2020.
At IIITB, he leads HiDES and SARL labs.

VLSI Architecture Design, Evolutionary design for standard cell synthesis, Hardware aware Neural Network architecture (search) design, Approximate computing VLSI design, FPGA optimized CNN and AI designs for edge computing applications, VLSI design for Image and Signal processing applications, Assistive biomedical devices, Surgical and autonomous robotics.

Recent Publications

​(more detailed publication list is available in the lab webpage.)

Design and analysis of VLSI Subsystem (IIITB, Starting at NPTEL in Jan 2022),

VLSI Architecture Design (IIITB)

Digital CMOS VLSI Design (IIITB),

Autonomous Robotics (at Samsung),

Electronic devices and Circuit Theory & Lab (IIITB),

Basic Electronics Lab (IIITB)

Analog Circuits Lab (IIITB)


ASD screening device, sponsored by IBM GUP [2021-22].

Mental health distress levels identification, sponsored by IBM GUP [2022-23].

Center of Internet of Ethical Things by GoK [2022-27]

AI assisted anthropomimetic upper limb device, sponsored by IBM SUR [2018-20].

Development of anthropomimetic upper limb device, sponsored by MSJE [2018-2021].

Single Touch automated Citizen Safety Emergency Response and Evidence Capture System, sponsored by [MEITY 2017-2020]

​Development of electric current driven nanomagnetic logic device, sponsored by SERB [2014-2017]

INTEL sponsored  Galileo board curriculum design [2014]

INTEL sponsored FICE workshop for high school students [2017]

ESDM Research Center [2013-14]

​IEEE Senior Member


IBM GUP Academic award (2021-22), IBM SUR Award (2018-20), Visvesvaraya Young Faculty fellowship award, MEITY (2016-2020), Early Career Research Award, SERB (2014-2017)