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Education : Ph.D. (Technical University of Clausthal)
Roland Haas is a professor at the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore, India.
He has more than 25 years of professional experience in research, senior techno-managerial, business innovation and business development assignments in Germany, India, North America, Japan and China. Dr. Haas has broad experience in Automotive R&D, Aerospace R&D, Systems Engineering, Software & IT services, Consulting and Strategy.
From 1993 to 2006 he worked with the Daimler group, heading the Daimler India R&D Center in Bangalore (now called MBRDI) from 2001 to 2006. In 2007, Roland Haas founded the company QSO Technologies and worked with clients in Europe, US and East Asia. Roland Haas has co-authored several books including a textbook on Automotive Connectivity and Cybersecurity published by Springer.
Dr. Haas was an adjunct faculty member of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore where he has done teaching and research in Cybersecurity, Automotive Electronics, Car IT, Software technologies, Autonomous Systems, Management Information Systems, Technology Management and Virtual Product Creation. His recent research focuses on deep learning, knowledge graphs and generative AI.
He is an Alumnus of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) and the Mercedes-Benz Scholarship Foundation.
Dr. Haas studied Computer Science, Mathematics and Electronics at the Technical University of Clausthal and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cyber Security of critical infrastructures, Embedded Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Automotive Cyber Security, Autonomous Driving, Service Robotics,
- Möller, D., Haas, R.: Guide to Automotive Connectivity and Cybersecurity, Springer International Publisher, 2019
- Haas, R., Schreiner, U.: Java Technologies for enterprise applications (in German), Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 2002
- Glendown, G., Haas, R.: The Amiga Computer for Experts (in German), Sybex publisher, Düsseldorf, 1990
Book Chapters
- Hoffmann, C., Haas, R.: Cyber Security in der Landwirtschaft (in German). In: Precision Farming – Smart Farming – Digital Farming: Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder. Patrick Ole Noack (Eds.), Wichmann, 2023
- Haas, R., Bhattacharjee, S., Möller, D.: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, in Smart Technologies – Scope and Applications, Akhilesh K.B, Möller D.P.F. (Eds), Springer International Publisher, 2019
- Haas, R., Aulbur, W. and Thakar, S.: Enabling Communities of Practice at EADS Airbus, in Beyond Knowledge Mangement: Sharing Expertise. V. Wulf, M. Ackermann (Ed.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003
Conference and Journal papers
- Talukder, AK, Sarbadhikari, SN, Selg, E, Haas, RE: Digital Twins, Digital Triplets, and eXplainable AI in Precision Health, SemIntHealth, 2024
- Möller, DP, Haas, R: Cybersecurity Needs and Benefits – The Four Rings Model, 17th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA), Torino, Italy, 2023
- Datta, VD, Ganesh, S, Haas, RE, Talukder, AK: GREAT AI in Medical Appropriateness. 11th Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BDA 2023), 2023
- Hoffmann, C., Haas, R.: Fight against Cyberthreats – An Overview of current developments in Cybersecurity, 7th International VDI Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany
- Talukder AK, Selg E, Haas RE. Physicians’ Brain Digital Twin: Holistic Clinical & Biomedical Knowledge Graphs for Patient Safety and Value-Based Care to Prevent the Post-pandemic Healthcare Ecosystem Crisis. KGSWC 2022, Madrid, Spain, 2022
- Talukder AK, Schriml L, Ghosh A, Biswas R, Chakrabarti P, Haas RE (2022) Diseasomics: Actionable machine interpretable disease knowledge at the point-of-care. PLOS Digit Health 1(10): e0000128. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pdig.0000128
- Dietmar P.F. Möller, Hamid Vakilzadian, Roland E Haas. From Industry 4.0 towards Industry 5.0. IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (eIT). https://doi.org/10.1109/eIT53891.2022.9813831
- Hoffmann, C., Haas, R., Bhimrajka, N., Srihith Penjarla, N.: Cyberattacks in Agribusiness, 42nd Annual Conference of the German Society for Informatics, Food and Agriculture Chapter (GIL), Ettenhausen, Switzerland, Feb 2022
- Talukder, A., Chakrabarti, P., Chaudhuri, B., Sethi, T., Lodha, R. and Haas, R.: 2AI&7D Model of Resistomics to Counter the Medical Climate Crisis, The Ninth International Conference on Big Data Analytics 2021 (BDA 2021), IIIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, December, 2021
- Talukder, A., Haas, R.: Oncolomics: Digital Twin and Digital Triplets in Cancer Care, Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop series (CAFCW21), International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC21), St. Louis, MO, November, 2021
- Talukder, A., Haas, R.: AIoT: AI meets IoT and Web in Smart Healthcare, 13th ACM Web Science Conference 2021 (WebSci '21 Companion), June 21–25, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1145/3462741.3466650
- Talukder, A., Chakraborti, P., and Haas, R: Combating the Medical Crisis of Antibiotic Resistance Trough Neo4j Knowledge Graph of Infectious Diseases and Medical AI, NODES 21 Conference, Neo4j Online Developer Expo and Summit, 2021
- Haas, R., Hoffman, C.: Cyber Threats and Cyber Risks in Smart Farming, International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Dresden, 2020
- Hoffmann, C., Müller, M., and Haas, R.: Cyber Security Management Systems for Agricultural Technology Products, International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Dresden, 2020
- Möller, D., Jehle, I., Haas, R.: Challenges for Vehicular Cybersecurity, in Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT 2018), Rochester Hills, MI, 2018
- Haas, R., Möller, D.: Automotive Connectivity, Cyber Attack Scenarios and Automotive Cyber Security, IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT 2017), Lincoln, NE, 2017
- Haas, R., Möller, D., Bansal, P., Ghosh, R., Bhat, S.: Intrusion Detection in Connected Cars, IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT 2017), Lincoln, NE, 2017
- Haas, R.: Socio-Economic Impact of Autonomous Driving in Emerging Countries – India as an example. European Radar Conference EuRAD, Rome, 2014
- Möller, D. and Haas, R.: Ubiquitous Learning: Teaching Modeling and Simulation on the Web, in Proceedings of the GCMS Conference at the 2013 SCS Summer Simulation Multi-Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2013 (best paper award)
- Haas, R.: Mechatronics – Learning mechatronics. A&D (Automation & Drives) India, Dec/Jan issue, 2010.
- Haas, R., Sinha, M.: Concurrent Engineering at Airbus – a case study, in International Journal for Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), vol. 6 No.3/4, 2004, pp. 241 – 253
- Haas, R., Thomas, K.: New methods of information technology in aerospace engineering (in German), Association for Simulation in German speaking area (ASIM) Conference, Hamburg, 2000
- Haas, R.: Modeling and Simulation of Internet Business Processes, In Proceedings of European Simulation Symposium 99 (ESS99), Erlangen, 1999
- Haas, R.: Multi Model and Hybrid Approaches to Modeling and Control, Neuro-Fuzzy Symposium, Fukuoka, Japan, 1997
- Hunt, K., Haas, R. and Kalkkuhl, J.: Local Controller Network for autonomous vehicle steering, Control Engineering Practice, 1996
- Haas, R., Hargefeld, J. and Möller, D.: A new approach to fuzzy clustering, in Proc. of the 95 Summer Simulation Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 1995
- Hunt, K., Haas, R. and Brown, M.: On the functional equivalence of fuzzy inference systems and spline-based networks, International Journal of Neural Systems, 1995
- Haas, R., Möller, D.: Neuro-Fuzzy System structures for pattern recongnition in technical and biological systems (in German), in Proc. of the Annual Meeting of the German Society for Measurement and Control, Bremen, 1994
- Haas, R.: Introduction to Intelligent Control, Intelligent Systems Engineering Conference (ISE94), Hamburg, Germany, 1994
Invited talks/Presentations/Keynotes
- Explainable AI in Heathcare: Pathway to Achieve the 5 Zeros Goal, Nodes Conference, 2023
- The potential of AI in Healthcare, NATCONPH23, Kolkata, 2023
- Cybersecurity of Smart Cities (joint presentation together with Prof. Srinivas Vivek), embedded world Conference (ewC) 2022, Nuremberg, Germany, March 2022
- Automotive Cybersecurity, Keynote Speech, National Workshop on Cryptography, JNNCE & CRSI, Nov 2021
- Smart Healthcare, Smart Hospitals, Cybersecurity in healthcare settings, Workshop on Digital Healthcare Technology, HAEMATOCON 2021, Nov 2021
- Cybersecurity in Agritech, 15. AK Digital Meeting, VDMA (German Association for Mechanical and Plant Engineering), Oct 2021
- Presentation on Cybersecurity at the 5th Meeting of the Competence Network "Digitization in Agriculture" of the the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Federal Government of Germany, Sep 2021
- Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructures, European Technology Chamber (EUTECH), Panel Discussion organized by EUTECH's Digital Transformation Council, 2021
- Start-ups and their Ecosystems: Role and Promotion Strategy (sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi), Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), IISc, 2019
- Introduction to Autonomous Cars, Myanmar Institute of Information Technology (MIIT), Mandalay, 2018
- Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving, Vijayawada University, 2018
- Introduction to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, INGPAR Workshop, IISc, Bangalore, 2017
- Advanced Manufacturing, Digital Factories and Robotics, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), Bangalore, 2015
- Automotive Cybersecurity (SE 801, IIITB)
- Automotive Electronics (taught simultaneously through virtual classrooms at IIITB and TU Clausthal)
- Connected Cars and Car IT (IIITB)
- Mechatronics (IIITB)
- Cyber Security of the Internet of Things (in German), SRH – The Mobile University
- Corporate Strategy (Indian Institute of Science)
- Advanced and Digital Manufacturing, Defence Institute of Advanced Studies (DIAT), Pune
- Information Technology Management (MBA program, University of Applied Sciences OWL, Lemgo, 2012)
Interest in retro computing, the maker culture, history and medicine. One day, wants to build up an Indian computer museum which would cooperate with the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF) in Paderborn, Germany and the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA, US.