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Assistant Professor


Education : Ph.D (Université Grenoble Alphs, France & Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France)

Dr Sanghasri Mukhopadhyay worked as a full-time PhD scholar at Université Grenoble Alphs, France & Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France (2016 - 2019) and was awarded a PhD in Energy and Process Engineering from Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France, under the supervision of Professor Christian Ruyer-Quil, in 2020, supported by the prestigious French Government Doctoral Fellowship (2016–2020). Following her doctoral studies, she contributed as a researcher at CNRS, Laboratoire LOCIE, UMR 5271 Savoie Technolac, Le Bourget-du-Lac Cedex, France, for a year. She then returned to India, serving as a Research Associate at IIT Madras for a brief period before joining VIT Vellore as an Assistant Professor, where she worked for nearly three years prior to her current position at IIIT Bangalore.

Her research expertise lies in mathematical modelling and numerical simulations of complex fluid flow phenomena, with a strong focus on the hydrodynamics and instabilities of thin films. Her work contributes significantly to understanding fluid dynamics and its practical applications across various domains. She has authored multiple research articles in esteemed international journals, showcasing her expertise and contributing significantly to her field.

ORCID 0000-0001-5360-1190 | Scopus 57219084765 | Web of Science AAA-1905-2021|

  1. Mukhopadhyay S.,  Ruyer-Quil C., & Usha R, (2022),  Modelling falling film flow: An adjustable formulation, R3, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2022.901
  2. Mukhopadhyay S., Cellier N., Usha R, Chhay M., &  Ruyer-Quil C., (2022) Falling film on an anisotropic porous medium, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 947, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2022.634
  3. Mukhopadhyay S. & Mukhopadhyay A. (2022), Surface wave and thermocapillary instabilities on flowing film under the sway of Hall viscosity, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, doi: 10.1016/j.physd.2022.133404
  4. Mukhopadhyay S.  & Mukhopadhyay A. (2020), Waves and instabilities of viscoelastic fluid film flowing down an inclined wavy bottom, Physical Review E, Vol. 102, issue 2. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.023117
  5. Mukhopadhyay S.  & Mukhopadhyay A. (2020), Hydrodynamics and instabilities of falling liquid film over a non-uniformly heated inclined wavy bottom, Physics of Fluids: Vol. 32, issue 7. doi: 10.1063/5.0010461
  1. Modulating the stability of thin liquid films in microfluidics and nanofluidics by electrokinetic mechanisms: A new approach towards lab-on-a-chip flow control, funded by Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) by ANRF, Govt. of India, worth 18.3 Lakhs INR, Project No: TAR/2023/000210 (as PI) (2023 - ongoing)
  2. Mathematical modelling and hydrodynamics of soap film in reusable face mask — a new approach to pollution control, funded by VIT Seed Grant, VIT Vellore, Worth 2.5 Lakhs INR, grant number- SG20220087 (as PI) (2022 - 2024)
  3. Direct numerical simulation of liquid film wave structure in annular-dispersed gas-liquid flows, funded by the Russian Science Foundation under the event "Conducting initiative research by young scientists" (2022) from the Institute of Thermophysics SB RASworth 4 million rubles. Project No: 22-79-00258 (as PI) (2022 - surrendered due to socio-economic difficulties).
  4. FIST Program – 2023, funded by DST Govt. of India, worth 271 Lakhs INR, Project No: TPN – 89776 (as co-PI with Department of Mathematics, VIT Vellore, India)
  • Visiting/Mobility Fellowship (CEFIPRA PROWIS-II) under the Indo-French Programme for Women in Science (2024-2025)
  • Scientific High-Level Visiting Fellowships (SSHN) program 2024 by the French Institute in India (IFI), Embassy of France in India (2024)
  • TARE Fellowship, by the Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF), Government of India (2024)
  • VIT Research Award 2022 by VIT Vellore, India (2023)
  • Winners of the 2022 Russian Science Foundation competitions (2022)
  • Doctoral fellowship by French Ministry of Higher Education (2016-2019)
  • 3 months mobility programme to another laboratory during PhD (Jan 2018 - April 2018) covered by Soutien aux Coopérations Universitaires et Scientifiques Internationales, by La Région Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes, France (2018)
  • Travel subsidy grant by the Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) of the American Physical Society (APS) to attend the conference (Nov 2017)
  • SAU Gold Madel for University topper in Masters of Applied Mathematics from South Asian University, New Delhi (2016)
  • INSPIRE Scholarship by Department of Science & Technology, Government of India (2011-2016)