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Assistant Professor
Education : Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University Singapore)
Prof. Vinod’s research interests broadly lie in solving problems with Signal processing for diverse applications. With exposure to signals acquired from various kinds of sensing modalities ranging from geophone, microphone, ultrasound and Radar, his strength lies in sensor analytics. He has been working in the field of automotive Radar, biomedical ultrasound and unattended ground sensors to mention a few.
- PhD School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore July 2013
- BE Electronics and Communication Engineering, RV College of Engineering June 2003
- Asst. Professor International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore Nov 2018 till date
- Chief Engineer Samsung Research Institute, Bangalore July 2017 to Oct 2018
- Research Engineer GE Global Research, Bangalore Feb 2015 to June 2017
- Research Fellow Nanyang Technological University March 2014 to Feb 2015
- Project Officer Nanyang Technological University Sept. 2012 to July 2013
- Systems Engineer Accord Software and Systems Pvt. Ltd. July 2003 to Jan. 2007
For the latest updates on our activities under the Radar Sensing Lab, visit https://www.iiitb.ac.in/labs/radar-sensing-lab/radar-sensing-lab.
Technology interests:
- Direction-of-arrival estimation, beamforming
- Signal processing in general
- Machine learning
Domain interests:
- Radar design and processing for automotive and healthcare applications
- Biomedical ultrasound
- New modalities for biomedical applications
Funded Projects:
As PI:
- "Establishment of Radar Lab at IIITB", Funding agency: Start-up research grant, IIITB, 5L INR, 2019-2022.
- "Vital signs monitoring using Radar", Funding agency: Centre for Internet of Ethical Things, 15L INR, 2022 - 2025.
- "Hardware realization of 5G mmWave base station antenna array and beamforming", under NM-ICPS, Funding agency: COMET foundation, 163.3L INR, 2022-2027.
- "Non-contact cross-medium communication", CARS project funded by NSTL, DRDO, 30.37L INR, 2023-2025.
- Lim H. S., Ng B. P., and Reddy V. V., "Generalized MUSIC-Like Array Processing for Underwater Environments," IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engg., vol. 42(1), pp. 124-134, Jan. 2017.
- Reddy V. V., Mubeen M., and Ng, B. P., "Reduced-Complexity Super-Resolution DOA Estimation with Unknown Number of Sources," in IEEE Signal Process. Letters, vol. 22(6), pp. 772-776, June 2015.
- Reddy V.V., Khong A.W.H., and Ng B.P., "Unambiguous Speech DOA Estimation Under Spatial Aliasing Conditions," in IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, and Lang. Process., vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 2133-2145, Dec. 2014.
- Benxu Liu, Reju V. and Khong A.W.H., Reddy V.V. “A GMM post-filter for residual crosstalk suppression in blind source separation”, IEEE Signal Process. Letters., vol. 21 (8), pp. 942-946, Aug. 2014.
- Reddy, V.V., Ng, B.P., and Khong, A.W.H., “Insights into MUSIC-like algorithm”, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 61(10), pp.2551-2556, May 2013.
- Reddy V.V., Ng B.P., and Khong A.W.H., “Derivative-constrained frequency-domain wideband DOA estimation”, Multidim. Systems and Signal Process., doi:10.1007/s11045-012-0201-8, vol. 25(1), pp. 211-233, Jan. 2014.
- Reddy V.V., Ng B.P., Ying Z. and Khong A.W.H., “DOA estimation of wideband sources without estimating the number of sources”, Signal Process., vol. 92(4), pp. 1032-1043, Apr. 2012.
- Wen Fuxi, Ng B.P. and Reddy V.V., “Extending the concept of IIR filtering to array processing using approximate spatial IIR structure”, Multidim. Systems and Signal Process., issn: 0923-6082, vol. 24(1), pp. 157-179, 2013.
- Dixit, Avinash, Kulkarni, Vinay, and V. V. Reddy, “Analysis of Segmented Spectrograms for Human activity recognition via Neural Network”, accepted in 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI2023), 2023.
- Kulkarni, Vinay, V. V. Reddy, and Dixit, Avinash, "Detection of close-proximity automotive targets using LSTM" IEEE Radar Conference, 2023.
- Peter Soorya, Reddy V.V., “Extraction and Analysis of Micro-Doppler Signature in FMCW Radar”, IEEE Radar Conference 2021.
- Reddy V.V., Peter Soorya, “UAV micro-Doppler signature analysis using FMCW radar”, IEEE Radar Conference 2021.
- Lahoti Ritu, Agarwal Lakshay, Neelam S., Reddy V.V., “A comparative study between multi-view 2D CNN and multi-view 3D anisotropic CNN for brain tumor segmentation”, ISMRM 2021.
- Lahoti Ritu, Sunil K. V., Punith B. V., Neelam S., Reddy V.V., “Whole tumor segmentation from brain MR images using Multiview 2D convolutional neural network”, 43rd IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2021.
- Reddy V.V., Ng B.P. and Khong A.W.H., “Wideband DOA estimation in dispersive medium,” ICICS, Dec. 2013.
- Venkatraman D., Reddy V.V. and Khong A.W.H., “On the use of the quaternion generalized Gaussian distribution for footstep detection,” ICASSP, May 2013.
- Venkatraman D., Reddy V.V. and Khong A.W.H., “A study of the ambiguity problem in footstep bearing estimation using tri-axial geophone,” ICICS, Dec. 2011.
- Venkatraman D., Reddy V.V., Khong A.W.H. and Ng B.P., “Polarization-cum-energy metric for footstep detection using vector-sensor,” IEEE HST, Nov. 2011.
- Reddy V.V., Sattar F., Ng B.P. and Driessen P.F., “Two-stage underdetermined speech source separation using frequency normalization,” IEEE PacRim, Aug. 2011.
- Reddy V.V., Divya V., Khong A.W.H. and Ng B.P., “Footstep detection and denoising using a single triaxial geophone,” IEEE APCCAS, Dec. 2010.
Patents Filed:
- "Method and system to monitor the health status of a rolling bearing of a machinery, and machinery equipped with the said system", Application No. PCT/EP2017/062227, Publication No. WO/2017/202753.
- "Methods and systems for spectral analysis of sonar data", CA Application number CA2968209, Publication number CA2968209A1.
Digital Signal Processing (EC304)
Microprocessors & Microcontrollers (EC302)
Signals & Systems (ESS103)
Fundamentals of Radar Sensing (NC863)
Delivered Talks:
- "Detection and classification of micro-Doppler signatures", Continuing Education Programme (CEP), LRDE, 27th-31st Jan, 2020.
Consulting activities:
- Continental Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd., "Advanced Radar Sensing" course for ADAS team, January - July 2020.
- Continental Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd., "Advanced Radar Sensing" course for ADAS team, June - December 2021.
Research Team:
- Avinash Dixit, MS by Research scholar since 2021.
- Vinay Kulkarni, PhD scholar since 2021.
- Gincy Varghese, PhD scholar since 2022.
- Ann Pamela Mathews, PhD scholar since Jan 2023.
- Rashmi Gupta, PhD scholar since Jan 2023.
- Arun Kumar, MS by Research scholar since 2022.
- Kushal R, MS by Research scholar since 2022.
Past members of the team:
- Soorya Peter, MS by Research, 2019-2022, currently working at Continental Automotive
- Ritu Lahoti, MS by Research, 2019-2022, currently working at Perfios.
- Nini Krishna, currently working at WORK Microwave.
Dr. Vinod Veera Reddy
Vinod received his Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 2013. His research interests include signal processing for acoustic, biomedical, wireless and RADAR applications. Prior to joining IIITB, Vinod worked with Samsung Research Institute and GE Global Research as Signal Processing Engineer on biomedical Ultrasound and Oil & Gas applications for 3.5 years. He worked as a post- doctoral Research Fellow at Infinitus Center, NTU, on phased-array RADAR from 2014 to 2015. Prior to his Ph.D., he worked with Accord Software and Systems Pvt. Ltd. developing signal processing algorithms for navigation receivers from 2003-2007.