- [Jan 2025] Delivered ATAL Advanced FDP on 6G Powered Non-terrestrial Networks: A new Era of Connectivity, in THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING, Mysuru.
- [Dec 2024] Our paper on "CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK-BASED CHANNEL ESTIMATION FOR MMWAVE MIMO-OTFS SYSTEMS," accepted in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2025.
- [Dec 2024] Our paper on "ROLE OF INTERFERENCE-OUTAGE CONSTRAINT AND BINARY POWER CONTROL FOR RIS-ASSISTED SPECTRUM SHARING," accepted in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2025.
- [Sept 2024] Delivered IEEE Day Guest Lecture in MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore.
- [Aug 2024] Delivered invited talk in Department of Information Science and Engineering – Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering , Bangalore AICTE-ATAL-FDP.
- [July 2024] Our paper on "Sparse Channel Estimation in IRS-Assisted Massive MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems," accepted in IEEE Transactions on Communications"
- [Nov 2023] Our paper on "TSDSI Standards Driven Implementation of Smart Radio Environment," accepted in IEEE ANTS 2023
- [Sept 2023] Our paper on "Binary Power Control and Passive Beamforming for RIS-Assisted Spectrum Sharing Network," accepted in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Workshop, Malaysia, 2023
- [June 2023] Our paper on 'Sparse Bayesian Learning-Based Channel Estimation for IRS-Aided Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Systems,' accepted for publication in Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada
- [June 2022] Our paper on 'Secrecy Performance with Optimal Relay and Antenna Selection in Spectrum-Sharing Networks,' accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISc, India
- [June 2022] Our paper on 'Outage Performance of Optimal Relay and Antenna Selection Schemes with TAS/MRC and TAS/SC for Spectrum-Sharing Network under Imperfect CSI,' accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISc, India
- [May 2022] Organised a workshop "Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Fundamentals and Applications". The Workshop received 250+ registrations. [Link]
- [March 2022] Our paper on 'Secrecy-Aware Relay and Antenna Selection for MIMO Wiretap Spectrum-Sharing Network,' accepted for publication in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2022-Spring, in Hensinki.
About us
The "Advanced Wireless Communications Lab" is focused on developing next generation wireless communication technologies (e.g., MIMO technologies, Cognitive Radio technologies, Cooperative Communication, Physical Layer Security, Energy Harvesting Networks, Green Communication, mmWave communication systems, and Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces). Emphasis will be on building new wireless communication systems and development of new technologies with their performance analyses. We focus mostly on physical layer concepts.
Through MS by Research, and Ph.D programs, students will get trained in designing new communication technologies from scratch with detailed mathematical analysis, as applicable. This will lead to skill development which will satisfy academia and industry needs altogether. Motivated iMTech and M.Tech. students interested to work on 5G physical layer and completed Digital communication (EC-306) and Wireless Communication (NC-827) courses are welcome to do thesis with the coordinator.
Dr. Priyanka Das
Assistant Professor, IIITB
Email: priyanka.das@iiitb.ac.in