
Dr. Priyanka Das
Priyanka Das is an Assistant Professor at IIIT Bangalore, India. Her primary research interest broadly lies at the intersection of probability theory, optimization, and wireless communication, where she seeks to develop new analytical tools for understanding and enhancing the spectral and energy efficiency of next generation wireless communication systems. Her current research interests include cooperative wireless communication, cognitive radio, MIMO techniques, physical layer security, intelligent reflecting surfaces, channel estimation for mmWave communication, and energy-efficient wireless networks for 6G.
Served as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member for
- IEEE ANTS 2022
- NCC 2023
- IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications (TWC)
- IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology (TVT)
- IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL)
- Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Science
- IET Communication
- National Conference on Communications (NCC)
- Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM)
- IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)
- One-day virtual workshop on "Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Fundamentals and Applications", organized by IIITB COMET, 2022 Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Fundamentals and Applications - YouTube
- Invited talk on "Secrecy Performance with Optimal Relay and Antenna Selection in Spectrum-Sharing Networks”, organized by Advance ATAL Faculty Development Program (FDP) "5G from Theory to Practice”- Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore, 2022
- Samvaad talk on "An overview of key technologies in physical layer security" in Samvaad-2022, IIIT Bangalore []
- Samvaad talk on "Joint Optimal Relay and Antenna Selection for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks" in Samvaad-2020, IIIT Bangalore []
- Samvaad talk on "Impact of Channel State Information Uncertainty on the Performance of Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks” in Samvaad-2019, IIIT Bangalore []
- Instructor for three FDP sessions - Digital and Wireless communication, Myanmar Institute of Information Technology, Myanmar, Sept. 2022