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Aug 05, 2019
5:19 PM
IIIT Bangalore
Samvaad-Talk by Prof. Bhavana Kanukurthi, Computer Science and Automation, IISc on August 05, 2019.
Title of the Talk: Tour de Crypto
Abstract: In this talk, Prof. Bhavana Kanukurthi will walk the audience through the history of cryptography. In the process, she'll present a few simple ideas which she thinks best captures the essence of this fascinating field. She will finally give a brief survey of the research themes that we are currently exploring in our research group. The talk will be suitable for a general science/engineering audience. No prior knowledge of crypto (or, for that matter, any aspect of computer science) will be assumed.
Speaker Biography:
Bhavana Kanukurthi is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science. Prior to that, she was a post-doctoral researcher at University of California, Los Angeles. She conducted her doctoral research in Computer Science at Boston University during which period she received the Computer Science Department's "Research Excellence Award". Bhavana works in the area of Cryptography and has published at venues such as Journal of the ACM, IEEE Transactions of Information Theory, STOC, Crypto and Eurocrypt. Her recent paper on the topic of Non-malleable Codes, published at the Theory of Cryptography Conference, was invited to the Journal of Cryptology.
Registration link: http://bit.ly/2SQTHjm