


Virtual Tour

Anubhava is the official career blog of IIIT-B where the committee interviews and archives first-hand experiences of some of the brightest minds of the institute. The speaker or interviewees are students/ alumni/ faculty / staff who have achieved and excelled in hackathons, bagged outstanding internship and career opportunities, presented in prestigious conferences as well as contributed significantly in some Research / worked in various global research and government organizations / etc. They upload periodic blogs that are available on Medium and have recently started working on video podcasts of the interviews for a more immersive experience.

Anubhava committee Members for 2023-24

Subham Agarwala  IMT2022110

Sasi Snigdha Yadavalli  IMT2022571

Ajitesh Kumar Singh IMT2022559

Varnit Mittal IMT2022025

Ayush Arya Kashyap IMT2022129


Contact: anubhava@iiitb.ac.in