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Education : Ph.D. (University of California Berkeley)
- Research Interests
- Honors and Awards
- Selected Publications
- Teaching
- Research & Consulting
- Other Information
The State and Late Industrialisation; Innovation Policies and Regional Economic Development; Civil Society Institutions, Frugal/Social Innovation; Multinational Enterprises, Small and Medium Enterprises; Computer Software and New Media Industries; Political-Economy of E-Governance and Information Access; E-Waste Flows; Urbanism, Urbanisation and "Smart" cities; The Platform Economy
- Keynote speaker, 25th Association of Computing Machinery Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (ACM CSCW2022)
- Fellow, Regional Studies Association, United Kingdom, 2020
- Samuel von Pufendorf Visiting Research Fellow, Pufendorf Institute of Advanced Studies, Lund University, 2017 - 2018
- Academic Writing Residency, The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy, 2015
- Emerging Leader Fellowship, Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne, 2013
- Linneaus-Palme Faculty Fellow, School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University, 2010
- Chancellor's Dissertation-year Fellow, University of California Berkeley, 1997-1998
- Junior Research Fellow, American Institute of Indian Studies, Chicago, 1995-1996
- Regents' Fellow, University of California Berkeley, 1993-1994, 1991-1992
- Academic Achievement Award, California Planning Foundation, American Planning Association, 1991
Yuko Aoyama with Balaji Parthasarathy. 2016. The Rise of the Hybrid Domain: Collaborative Governance for Social Innovation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
- Vigneswara P. Ilavarasan. 2019. IIMB Management Review. 31(4):418 419. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iimb.2019.07.015
- Himanshu Jha. 2019. Journal of Southeast Asian Economies. 36(1):135 136. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26664259
- José Antonio Borello. 2019. Revista Brasileira de Inovação.18(1):211-214. http://0.20396/rbi.v18i1.8654474
- Rory Horner, Bishwapriya Sanyal, Erica Schoenberger, Michael Storper, Yuko Aoyama and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2018. The AAG Review of Books. 6(2):133-140. https://doi.org/10.1080/2325548X.2018.1440846
- Rajah Rasiah. 2018. Institutions and Economies. 10(2):146-148. https://ijie.um.edu.my/article/view/11002
- Trevor J Barnes. 2018. Economic Geography. 94(1):87-88. https://doi.org/10.1080/00130095.2017.1392849
- Brita Hermelin. 2018. Regional Studies. 52(1):156-157. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2017.1373941
Refereed journal publications
Manuel Gonzalo, Juan Federico, Balaji Parthasarathy and Hugo Kantis. 2022. Bangalore's IT entrepreneurial ecosystem: A systemic and evolutionary understanding from Latin America. Revista Brasileira de Inovação. https://doi.org/10.20396/rbi.v21i00.8661874
Balaji Parthasarathy, Supriya Dey and Pranjali Gupta. 2021. Overcoming wicked problems and institutional voids for social innovation: University-NGO partnerships in the Global South. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121104
Monica Plechero, Mandar Kulkarni, Cristina Chaminade and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2020. Explaining the past, predicting the future: The influence of regional trajectories on innovation networks of new industries in emerging economies. Industry and Innovation. 28(7): 932-954. https://doi.org/10.1080/13662716.2020.1780419
Yuko Aoyama and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2018. When both state and market fail: Inclusive development and social innovation in India. Area Development and Policy. 3(3):330-348.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Yuko Aoyama. 2017. Deploying ICTs for development: An evolutionary perspective. Information Technologies & International Development. 13:157-170.
Anjali K Mohan and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2016. From hierarchy to heterarchy: The state and the Municipal Reforms Programme, Karnataka, India. Government Information Quarterly. 33:427-434.
Yuko Aoyama and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2012. Research and development facilities of multinational enterprises in India. Eurasian Geography and Economics. 53(5):1-20.
Vigneswara P Ilavarasan and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2012. Limited growth opportunities amidst opportunities for growth: an empirical study of inter-firm linkages of small software firms in India. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 1:(4) (8 August).
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2010. The computer software industry as a vehicle of late industrialisation: Lessons from the Indian case. Journal of Asia-Pacific Economy. 15(3):247-270.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Krithi Ramamritham. 2009. From the guest editors: The best papers from ICTD2007. Information Technologies & International Development. 5(1):iii-v.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Janaki Srinivasan. 2008. How the development of ICTs affects ICTs for development: Social contestation in the shaping of standards for the information age. Science, Technology and Society. 13(2): 279-301.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Yuko Aoyama. 2006. From software Services to R&D services: Local entrepreneurship in the software industry in Bangalore, India. Environment and Planning A. 38(7):1269-1285.
Seán Ó Riain, Balaji Parthasarathy and Matthew Zook. 2004. Flows and filters: The politics of ICT regions in a global economy International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 28(3):617-620.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2004. India's Silicon Valley or Silicon Valley's India?: Socially embedding the computer software industry in Bangalore. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 28(3):664-685.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2004. Globalizing information technology: The domestic policy context for India's software production and exports. Iterations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Software History. 3 (3 May 2004):1-38.
Michael Southworth and Balaji Parthasarathy. 1997. The suburban public realm II: Eurourbanism, new urbanism and the implications for urban design in the American metropolis. Journal of Urban Design. (1):9-34.
Michael Southworth and Balaji Parthasarathy. 1996. The suburban public realm I: Its emergence, growth and transformation in the American metropolis. Journal of Urban Design. 1(3):245-263.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 1994. Marxist theories of development, the new international division of labor, and the Third World. Berkeley Planning Journal. 9:109-124.
Refereed presentations
- Balaji Parthasarathy and Supriya Dey. 2021. Setting sights on assisting the visually impaired: Fostering a social innovation network in Bangalore. 17th Globelics International Conference, Heredia, Costa Rica, 3-5 November.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Yuko Aoyama. 2019. Governing frugal innovation for sustainable innovation for sustainable development: The hybrid domain. Capturing Frugal Innovation: Towards a Handbook on the Crossroads of Technology, Entrepreneurship and Global Sustainable Development, Leiden, Netherlands, 11-15 February.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Yuko Aoyama. 2107. Institutionalizing frugal innovation: “Domain flexibility” and “scalar flexibility” for sustainable development. International Conference on Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Global Development, Leiden, Netherlands, 7-8 November.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Yuko Aoyama. 2017. Beyond the impasse of the state-market dichotomy: Social entrepreneurship and new institutional actors for the underserved. 15th Globelics International Conference, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October.
Yuko Aoyama and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2017. Collaborative social innovation in the hybrid domain: Organization and rationality. In Jyoti Choudrie, M. Sirajul Islam, Fathul Wahid, Julian M. Bass and Johanes Eka Priyatma (eds.). Proceedings of the14th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, ICT4D 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 22-24. Cham, CH: Springer. pp.257-268.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Yuko Aoyama. 2016. Beyond ICTs and developmental domains: The historical specificity of ICTD. Proceedings of the Eigth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, Ann Arbor, USA, 3-6 June.
Mandar Kulkarni and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2015. Negotiating the antinomies of regional branching with intermediaries: Providing a “spatial fix” to innovation in new media industries. 13th Globelics International Conference, Havana, Cuba, 23-25 September.
Balaji Parthasarathy, Yuko Aoyama and Niveditha Menon. 2015. Innovating for the bottom of the pyramid: Case studies in healthcare from India. 3rd International Conference on Technologies for Development, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 June.
Ricardo Ramirez, Balaji Parthasarathy and Andrew Gordon. 2013. From infomediaries to infomediation at public access venues: lessons from a 3-country study. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, Cape Town, South Africa, 7-10 December.
Anjali K Mohan, Edward Cutrell and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2013. Instituting credibility, accountability and transparency in local service delivery? Helpline and Aasthi in Karnataka, India. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, Cape Town, South Africa, 7-10 December.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2011. The role of regions in supporting the emergence and growth of global innovation networks: The case of Bangalore, India. 9th Globelics International Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 15-17 November.
Balaji Parthasarathy and V Ranganathan. 2010. The national system of innovation in India and its globalization. 8th Globelics International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-3 November.
Janani Vasudev and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2007. The post-consumptive residues of information and communication technologies: Transnational e-waste flows and developmental dilemmas. 2nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2007). Bangalore, 15-16 December.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Janaki Srinivasan. 2006. Innovation and its social impacts: The role of ethnography in the evaluation and assessment of ICTD projects. 4th Globelics International Conference, Trivandrum, 4-7 October.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 1998. Industrializing countries and the changing international division of labor in the computer software industry: Lessons from the Indian case, 1977-1997. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Globalization Workshop for Junior Scholars, Duke University, USA, 24-25 April.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Subhrajit Guhathakurta. 1995. An Indian technopole and the transformation of urban space: Global imperatives and local realities in the Bangalore metropolitan region. Conference on Theaters of Decolonization, Chandigarh, 6-10 January.
Book chapters
- Alessio Bertolini, Mark Graham, Mounika Neerukonda, Sanna Ojanperä, Balaji Parthasarathy, Janaki Srinivasan, Pradyumna Taduri and Funda Ustek-Spila. 2023. Platformizing informality: One gig at a time. In Aditi Surie and Ursula Huws (eds.). Platformization and Informality: Pathways of Change, Alteration, and Transformation. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. pp.13-45.
- Balaji Parthasarathy, Amit Prakash and Supriya Dey. 2022. Technologues imaginés? L’évolution de la catégorie professionnelle d’ingénieur en technologies de l’information en Inde. In Charles Gadia and Roland Lardinois (eds.). Les Mondes de l’ingénieur en Inde (xixe-xxie siècle). Paris, France: Classiques Garnier. pp.245-269.
- Balaji Parthasarathy. 2022. 4IR and the digital platform economy: Opportunities and policy challenges for the ASEAN and India. In Prabir De and Suthiphand Chirathivat (eds.). ASEAN-India: Strengthening Partnership and Post-Pandemic Future. New Delhi, India: KW Publishers. pp.115-128 (Chapter 11)
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2020. Learning to ‘walk on two legs’?: Divergent trajectories and the future of India’s ICT services. In Shashanka Bhide, V.N.Balasubramanyam and K.L.Krishna (eds.). Deciphering India’s Services Sector Growth. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp.199-222 (Chapter 11)
Balaji Parthasarathy and Brinda Sastry. 2019. Intelligence for place-making and social inclusion: Critiques and alternatives to India's Smart Cities Mission. In Tridib Banerjee and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris (eds.). The New Urban Design Companion. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp.571-581 (Chapter 43).
Balaji Parthasarathy, Yuko Aoyama and Niveditha Menon. 2015. Innovating for the bottom of the pyramid: Case studies in healthcare from India. In Silvia Hostettler, Eileen Hazboun, Jean-Claude Bolay (eds.). Technologies for Development: What is Essential? Chem, CH: Springer. pp.55-68 (Chapter 6). (Note: this volume brought together 20 leading papers of the 125 chosen for presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Technologies for Development)
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2013. A half century of envisioning the future in Bangalore: From autarky to innovation in the global information economy. In Phil Cooke, Glen Searle and Kevin O’Connor (eds.). The Economic Geography of the IT Industry in the Asia Pacific Region. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp.221-242 (Chapter 13).
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2013. The changing character of Indian offshore ICT services provision, 1985-2010. In Ashok Bardhan, Dwight Jaffee and Cynthia Kroll (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Offshoring and Global Employment. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp.380-404 (Chapter 16)
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2013. The ICT industry in Bangalore: Its changing structure and characteristics. In Hitoshi Hirakawa, Kaushalesh Lal, Naoko Shinkai and Norio Tokumaru (eds.). Servitization, IT-ization and Innovation Models: Two-state Industrial Cluster Theory. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp.87-105 (Chapter 5) (Note: this is a shorter version of the paper published in 2010 in the Journal of the Asia-Pacific Economy, 15(3):247-70).
Balaji Parthasarathy and Bharath M Palavalli. 2011. The role of standards in technology driven commodity chains: The information and communications technology service industry in Dalian, China, and Bangalore, India. In Moriki Ohara, M Vijayabaskar and Hong Lin (eds.). Industrial Dynamics in China and India: Firms, Clusters and Different Growth Paths. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp.237-258 (Chapter 11).
Balaji Parthasarathy and Ricardo Gomes Lage. 2010. Organizational impacts of information technology. In Hossein Bidgoli (ed.). The Handbook of Technology Management Volume 1: Core Concepts, Financial Tools and Techniques, Operations and Innovation Management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. pp.289-298 (Chapter 23).
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2009. Information Technology. In Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift (eds.). International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford, UK: Elsevier. pp.469-474.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2007. Contrasting regimes of regional development: The telecommunications equipment industry and the computer software industry in India. In Allen J. Scott and Gioacchino Garofoli (eds.). Development on the Ground: Clusters, Networks, and Regions in Emerging Economies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp.189-222 (Chapter 9).
Subhrajit Guhathakurta and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2007. The role of world markets and international networks in the evolution of India`s high-tech clusters. In Annapurna Shaw (ed.). Indian Cities in Transition. Hyderabad, India: Orient Blackswan.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2006. The political economy of the Indian software industry. In Govindan Parayil (ed.). Political Economy and Informational Capitalism in India: Digital Divide, Development and Equity. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp.153-173 (Chapter 8).
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2005. The political economy of the computer software industry in Bangalore, India. In Ashwani Saith and M. Vijayabaskar (eds.). ICTs and Indian Economic Development: Economy, Work, Regulation. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications. pp.199-230 (Chapter 6).
Policy reports, working papers, and theses
- Balaji Parthasarathy, Janaki Srinivasan, Mounika Neerukonda, Amruta Mahuli, M. Bilahari, Pradyumna Taduri, Damni Kain, Kavita Dattani, Funda Ustek-Spilda and Mark Graham. 2022. Fairwork India Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy. Bangalore, India; Oxford, United Kingdom.
- Balaji Parthasarathy, Janaki Srinivasan, Mounika Neerukonda, Pradyumna Taduri, Amruta Mahuli, Kanikka Sersia, Funda Ustek-Spilda and Mark Graham. 2021. Fairwork India Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy. Bangalore, India; Oxford, United Kingdom.
- Olivia Blanchard, Balaji Parthasarathy and Preeti Mudliar. 2021. Gendered Practices on Digital Platforms: Beauty Workers and their Customers in India. Digital Future Society, Barcelona.
Balaji Parthasarathy, Janaki Srinivasan, Mounika Neerukonda, Pradyumna Taduri, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Aradhana Cherupara Vadekkethil, Mark Graham and Richard Heeks. 2020. Fairwork India Ratings 2020: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy. Bangalore, India; Oxford, United Kingdom.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Oindrila Matilal. 2019. The Platform Economy and Digital Work: A Developmental State Perspective. Developmental Impacts of Digital Economies Working Paper no. 9, Centre for Development Informatics, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester.
Jennifer Brant and Balaji Parthasarathy. 2015. The Dynamics of Global Technology and Knowledge Flows. International Chamber of Commerce Innovation and Intellectual Property Research Paper No.4.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2014. Reversing the Flow of Ideas? Frugal Innovation for India and the World Beyond. Chanakya Papers, Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne.
Ricardo Ramirez, Balaji Parthasarathy and Andrew Gordon. 2013. Infomediaries: Brokers of Public Access. Global Impact Study Research Report Series, Technology and Social Change Group, University of Washington, Seattle.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Girish Prabhu. 2012. Wireless or Nothing: Designing with 4G Technology in India’s Social and Cultural Milieu. Report submitted to Intel India Technology Private Limited.
Balaji Parthasarathy (with Kenneth Keniston, G.R.Kiran, Richa Kumar, Aswin Punathambekar, G.Dileep Kumar, Janaki Srinivasan and Solomon Benjamin). 2005. Information and Communications Technologies for Development: A Comparative Analysis of Impacts and Costs from India. Report submitted to the Department of Information Technology, Government of India (vide administrative approval no.3(74)/2003-EGD, dated 10.02.2004).
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2000. Globalization and Agglomeration in Newly Industrializing Countries: The State and the Information Technology Industry in Bangalore, India. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of City and Regional Plannning, University of California, Berkeley. (Dissertation committee: Annalee Saxenian (chair), Manuel Castells, Peter B Evans)
Michael Southworth and Balaji Parthasarathy. 1997. Reassessing the Public Realm: Implications for Urban Design in the Evolving Edge of the American Metropolis. Working paper 685, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California, Berkeley.
Book reviews
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2011. Review of "Shirin Madon. 2009. E-governance for Development – A Focus on Rural India. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan." Information Technologies and International Development. 7(4):81 84. https://itidjournal.org/index.php/itid/article/download/793/793-2215-1-PB.pdf
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2007. Review of "Asish Arora and Alfonso Gambardella (eds). 2005. From Underdogs to Tigers: The Rise and Growth of the Software Industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland, and Israel. New York, NY: Oxford University Press." Economic Geography. 83(3):331-332. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2007.tb00362.x
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2006. Review of "James Heitzman. 2004. Network City: Planning the Information Society in Bangalore. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press." Indian Economic and Social History Review. 43(4):511-513. https://doi.org/10.1177/001946460604300405
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2001. Review of "Harry A. Mengers. 1997. Urban Development in the State of Karnataka, India: Policies, Actors and Outcomes. Nijmegen Studies in Development and Cultural Change, Volume 27. Saarbrucken: Verlag fur Entwicklungspolitik." Development and Change. 32(1):188-189.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 1998. Review of "Richard Heeks. 1996. India's Software Industry: State Policy, Liberalisation and Industrial Development. New Delhi: India Sage Publications." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences. 558:234-235. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1049125
Other writings, select presentations and talks (non-academic fora)
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2022. Connecting technology and society: What students who want to build a career in technology that has a social impact should know. The Hindu, 1 October.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2022. Digital platforms: Technology and the unregulated work practices of gig workers. Expert evidence, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Communications and Information Technologies, New Delhi, 26 August.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Matteo Sostero. 2022. The digital divide: Can we narrow the gap? International Labour Organization podcast series: Global challenges – Global solutions, 13 June.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2019. Changing work and employment in the gig economy. TEDx Bangalore, 20 October.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Stephan Lingner. 2019. Digital revolution - Towards a bright future or mass employment and Orwellian societies? Bonnalliance Lecture Series, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Bonn, 16 October.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2018. Historical accident or path dependence? Science, technology, industry and the state in 20th century Bangalore. National Center for Biological Sciences Archives Public Lecture Series. Bangalore, 19 June.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2015. BBMP trifurcation: What will it mean for citizens? Times of India, Bangalore, 22 April.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2013. Urbanism, technology, and “third worldness”. 24 March.
Balaji Parthasarathy and Anjali K Mohan. 2013. Approaches to regional policies in India. Regions. 289:16-18.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2010. Envisioning the future in Bangalore. Seminar. 612:2-6.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2008. Multiversities in Bengaluru? Management Next. 4(6):9.
Balaji Parthasarathy. 2006 (translated into German by Andreas Bredenfeld). Wie konnte es geschehen? Bangalore hat sich zum indischen Silicon Valley entwickelt. (How could it happen? Bangalore has developed into the Indian Silicon Valley). Kulturaustausch. 56(4):34-35.
Courses taught
- DT 211 Dynamics of the Information Technology Industry
- ITS 652 Economic and Social Impacts of Information Technology
- DT 385 Cybergeography, Globalization and Location
- HSS 103 The City: A Crucible of Innovation
Thesis supervision (as Chairperson, at IIIT Bangalore)
- Pradyumna Taduri. 2019. Delivering Consent: Work Games in On-Demand Food Delivery Platforms. Thesis submitted for the Master of Science (Digital Society) degree (co-supervisor: Janaki Srinivasan).
- Supriya Dey. 2017. The Evolution of the IT Engineer in India: Looking Back to See Ahead. Thesis submitted for the Master of Science by Research degree (co-supervisor: Amit Prakash).
- Anjali Karol Mohan. 2015. From Hierarchy to Heterarchy in the Information Age: The State and the Municipal Reforms Programme in Karnataka, India. Dissertation submitted for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree.
- Ricardo Gomes Lage. 2009. The Institutional Context of the Impacts of ICTs in Higher Education: A Study of Engineering Students in India. Thesis submitted for the Master of Science by Research degree.
- Janani Vasudev. 2007. The Post-Consumptive Residues of Information Technology: E-waste Management and Disposal in Bangalore and Chennai, India. Thesis submitted for the Master of Technology (M.Tech.) degree.
- Janaki Srinivasan. 2004. The Effects of E-Governance Implementation on Women: A Study of the Sustainable Access in Rural India (SARI) Project, Madurai. Thesis submitted for the Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology.
Thesis supervision (as committee member, at other institutions)
- Rory Horner. 2013. The State, Patents and the Development of India’s Pharmaceutical Industry. Dissertation submitted for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, Department of Geography, Clark University, USA
- Amit Prakash. 2008. Importance of Development Context in Use of ICT4D Projects: A Study of Land Record Computerization in India. Dissertation submitted for the Fellowship in Management (FPM) Programme, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.
- N.Dayasindhu. 2002. Reasons for the Inimitability of Network Resources: A Case Study in the Research and Development Services Domain of the Indian Information Technology Industry. Dissertation submitted for the Fellowship in Management (FPM) Programme, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.
Research grants
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeiten (GiZ), Germany
Project: Fairwork Foundation: Towards Fairwork in the Platform Economy (co-Investigator: Janaki Srinivasan; project coordinated by the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK)
Duration: 1 September 2019 - 31 August 2023
Funding: UK£230,750
International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva
Project: Case Studies in Algorithmic Management in the Logistics and Healthcare Sectors in India (co-Investigator: Amit Prakash)
Duration: 10 January 2022 - 31 March 2023
Funding: €49,200
Mobile World Capital Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
Project: Gender, Professionalisation, and Digital Platforms: The Case of Beauticians in India (co-investigator: Preeti Mudliar)
Duration: 1 March 2020 – 15 December 2020
Funding: €12,260
Azim Premji Foundation
Project: Online and Offline Livelihoods: An Analysis of the Impact of the Gig Economy on Worker Participation (co-Investigators: Sridhar Varadharajan, Preeti Mudliar)
Duration: 1 November 2019 - 30 September 2021
Funding: INR 1,955,800
Oxford Internet Institute, UK
Project: Fairwork: Developing Fairwork Standards in the Gig Economy
Duration: 1 July 2018 - 31 March 2019
Funding: UK£17,150
Centre for Development Informatics, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, UK
Project: Institutional Roles and Challenges for International Development in the Digital Economy
Duration: 1 January 2018 – 31 March 2019
Funding: UK£3000
Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden
Project: Global Innovation Networks, Regional Variety and its Impact on the Innovativeness of Firms and Regions: The IT and New Media Industry in Sweden in a Global Comparative Perspective
Duration: 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2018|
Funding: 402,000 Swedish Krona (of a SEK 8.4 million study coordinated by the Center for Innovation Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE), Lund University, Sweden)
Agence Nationale Recherche, France
Project: Ingénieurs et Société en Inde Coloniale et Postcoloniale
Duration: 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2016
Funding: €12,000 (of a €336,687 study coordinated by the Centre d’Études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud, Paris)
National Science Foundation, USA
Project: The Global Shift in R&D Alliances: Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) and the Quest for the ‘Base of the Pyramid’ (BOP) Markets (co-Principal Investigator: Yuko Aoyama, Clark University, USA)
Duration: 1 September 2011 – 31 August 2014
Funding: US$73,928 (of US$269,998)
Riksbanken Jublieumsfond, Sweden
Project: The Challenge of Globalization: Technology Driven Foreign Direct Investment and its Implications for the Negotiation of International Investment Agreements
Duration:1 September 2011 – 31 August 2014
Funding: €79,870 (of a €950,000 study coordinated by Center for Innovation Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE), Lund University, Sweden)
Intel Technology India Private Limited
Project: Next Generation Scalable Wireless Infrastructure and Services in the Context of India’s Social and Cultural Characteristics
Duration: 1 March 2011 – 28 February 2012
Funding: ₹1,242,000
Institute of Developing Economies, Japan
Project: ICTs as Vehicle for Late-industrialization: Industrial Development Process in China and India the in 21st Century
Duration: 1 April 2009 – 31 March 2010
Funding: US$7500
European Union Seventh Framework Programme
Project: Impact of Networks, Globalisation, and their Interaction with EU Strategies
Duration: 1 January 2009 – 31 December 2011
Funding: €76,000 (of a €2.7 million study coordinated by the University of Bologna)
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
International Development Research Centre, Canada
Project: Infomediaries: Brokers of Public Access (co-Principal Investigators: Andrew Gordon, University of Washington, Seattle; Ricardo Ramirez, University of Guelph)
Duration: 1 January 2008 – 30 June 2013
Funding: US$223,000 (of the US$5 million Global Impact Study coordinated by the Technology and Social Change Group, University of Washington, Seattle)
Microsoft Research University Relations
Project: E-nabling the Underserved: An Ethnographic Study of ICT for Development Projects in Rural India
Duration: 15 January 2005 – 15 January 2006
Funding: US$40,000
Leverhulme Trust, UK
Project: Small ICT Firms in Developing Countries: An Analytical Case Study of India (co-investigator: Vigneswara P Ilavarasan)
Duration: 1 April 2004 to 31 March 2006
Funding: UK£23,000
Department of Information Technology, Government of India
Project: Information and Communications Technologies for Development: A Comparative Analysis of Impacts and Costs from India
Duration: March 2004 – December 2004
Funding: ₹23,47,000
International Development Research Centre, Canada
Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme, UNDP
The Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, Singapore
Project: Diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies in India: Labour Market Implications for Developing Countries (co-investigator: M Vijayabaskar)
Duration: 1 April 2002 – 31 March 2003
Funding: US$8,400
Professional service (societies and conferences)
Member (Asia), Global Scientific Board, Globelics (Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems), 2021-2025.
India Ambassador, Regional Studies Assocation, 2010-
Member, Editorial Board, Information Technologies and International Development
Member, Advisory Board and Senior Program Committee, IEEE/ACM International Conferences on Information and Communications Technologies and Development, 2019-2016
Co-chair, Special Track – Web for Emerging Regions, 20th International World Wide Web Conference, Hyderabad, 28 March-1 April, 2011
Chairperson, Program Committee, 2nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies and Development (ICTD2007), Bangalore, 15-16 December, 2007
Journals: Antipode, Economic Geography, Environment and Planning A, Global Networks, Information Technologies and International Development, Management and Organization Review, International Journal of Urban and Rural Research, Journal of Environment and Development, Journal of Urban Design, Research Policy, World Development
Conferences: Globelics (Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems),
ACM CHI (Association of Computing Machinery Computer-Human Interaction), ICTD (Information and Communications Technologies and Development)
Other tertiary education
- Bachelor of Architecture (honours), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 1986
- Master of Planning (M.Pl.), School of Urban and Regional Planning (now the Sol Price School of Public Policy), University of Southern California, 1991