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Associate Professor
Education : Ph.D. (University of California Berkeley)
Janaki Srinivasan’s research examines the political economy of information technology-based development initiatives. She uses ethnographic research to examine how gender, caste and class shape the use of such technologies. Her work has explored these interests in the context of Indian digital inclusion initiatives focussed on community computer centres, mobile phones, identity systems and open information systems. Currently, she is exploring privacy, algorithmic control and the role of intermediaries in digital transactions, with an emphasis on the domains of financial inclusion and work automation. Janaki has a PhD in Information Management and Systems from UC Berkeley and Masters degrees in Physics and in Information Technology from IIT Delhi and IIIT Bangalore.
- Research Interests
- Honors and Awards
- Selected Publications
- Teaching
- Research & Consulting
- Other Information
Political economy of information-based development, privacy, critical social theory, algorithmic management of work, politics of work automation, situated learning at work, development theory, financial inclusion, ICTD, politics of identity systems
- Centre for Effective Global Action Grant, UC Berkeley (2022-24)
- Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion (IMTFI) Research Grant (2015-16, 2012-13)
- Strengthening Information Society Research Capacity Alliance (SIRCA) III Grant (2015 – 2017)
- UC Berkeley Graduate Division Summer Grant (Summer 2010 and 2011)
- Fellow at the UC Berkeley Summer Institute for Preparing Future Faculty (Summer 2010)
- Peter Lyman Graduate Fellowship in New Media, UC Berkeley (Summer 2009)
- UC Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems Fellowship (2005 – 2007)
- International House Berkeley Fellowship (2005 – 2006)
- World Summit on Information Society-Gender Caucus Research Grant (Spring 2005)
Books and book chapters
Srravya Chandhiramowuli; Janaki Srinivasan and Pradyumna Taduri. 2023. "Precarious Disruption: Revisiting Worker Control and Consent in the Age of Algorithms and Apps." In Gurminder K. Bhambra, Lucy Mayblin, Kathryn Medien and Mara Viveros-Vigoya (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Global Sociology. Sage.
Bertolini, Alessio; Mark Graham; Mounika Neerukonda; Sanna Ojanperä; Balaji Parthasarathy; Janaki Srinivasan; Pradyumna Taduri and Funda Ustek-Spilda. 2023. "Platformizing informality: One gig at a time." In Aditi Surie and Ursula Huws (eds.). Platformization and Informality: Pathways of Change, Alteration, and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2022. The Political Lives of Information: Information and the Making of Development in India. Information Society Series. MIT Press.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2021. “The Social Meaning of Mobile Money: Navigating digital payments, savings and credit in the Global South.” In V. Sridhar (ed.). Data-centric living: Algorithms, Digitization and Regulation. Routledge.
Chaudhuri, Bidisha; Janaki Srinivasan and Onkar Hoysala. 2021. “Learning as Participation: Open Practices and the Production of Identities.” In Arul Chib, Caitlin M. Bentley and Matthew L. Smith (Eds.) Critical Perspectives on Open Development. Empirical Interrogation of Theory Construction. MIT Press, 81-101.
Parthasarathy, Balaji; Janaki Srinivasan; Mounika Neerukond; Bilahari M; Aditya Singh; Raktima Kalita; Meghashree Balaraj; Kavita Dattani; Anjali Krishan; Funda Ustek-Spilda and Mark Graham. 2023. Fairwork India Ratings 2023: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy. Bengaluru, India; Oxford, United Kingdom
Parthasarathy, Balaji; Janaki Srinivasan; Mounika Neerukonda; Amruta Mahuli; Bilahari M; Damni Kain; Pradyumna Taduri; Funda Ustek Spilda; Kavita Dattani and Mark Graham 2022. Fairwork India Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy. Bangalore, India; Oxford, United Kingdom.
Parthasarathy, Balaji; Janaki Srinivasan; Mounika Neerukonda; Pradyumna Taduri; Amruta Mahuli; Kanikka Sersia; Funda Ustek-Spilda and Mark Graham. 2021. Fairwork India Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy. Bangalore, India; Oxford, United Kingdom.
Parthasarathy, Balaji; Janaki Srinivasan; Mounika Neerukonda; Pradyumna Taduri; Funda Ustek-Spilda; Aradhana Cherupara Vadekkethil; Mark Graham and Richard Heeks. 2020. Fairwork India Ratings 2020: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy. Bangalore, India; Oxford, United Kingdom.
Oreglia, Elisa; Janaki Srinivasan and Krish Raghav. 2017. Intermediaries, Cash Economies, and Technological Change in Myanmar and India. Report for the UC Irvine Institute for Money, Technology, and Financial Inclusion. Available at http://blog.imtfi.uci.edu/2017/10/intermediaries-cash-economies-and.html
Peer-reviewed journal papers
Hanbal, Rajesh Dinesh; Amit Prakash and Janaki Srinivasan. 2023. "Seeing data like a state: A case of Open Government Data in India’s livelihoods program." Information Polity 28,(2):, 259-275.
Chaudhuri, Bidisha; Meenakshi D'Souza and Janaki Srinivasan. 2022. “Bringing the missing women back: CS education for women in India's engineering institutions.” Communications of ACM 65(11): 65-67.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Elisa Oreglia. 2020. “The Myths and Moral Economies of Digital ID and Mobile Money in India and Myanmar.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 60, 215-236. DOI:10.17351/ests2020.276
Oreglia, Elisa and Janaki Srinivasan. 2020. “Human and Non-Human Intermediation in Rural Agricultural Markets.” Journal of Cultural Economy 13(4), 353-367. DOI: 10.1080/17530350.2018.1544918
Srinivasan, Janaki; Savita Bailur; Emrys Schoemaker and Sarita Seshagiri. 2018. “The Poverty of Privacy: Understanding Privacy Trade-Offs From Identity Infrastructure Users in India.” International Journal of Communication 12, 1–20.
Srinivasan, Janaki; Megan Finn and Morgan Ames. 2017. “Information Determinism: The Consequences of the Faith in Information.” Information Society 33 (1).
Oreglia, Elisa and Janaki Srinivasan. 2015. “ICT, Intermediaries, and the Transformation of Gendered Power Structures.” MIS Quarterly.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Jenna Burrell. 2015. “On the Importance of Price Information to Fishers and to Economists: Revisiting Mobile Phone Use Among Fishers in Kerala.” Information Technologies & International Development Vol. 11 (1).
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2012. “Looking Beyond Information Provision: The Importance of being a Kiosk Operator in the Sustainable Access In Rural India (SARI) Project, Tamilnadu.” Information Technologies & International Development Vol 8: 101-114.
Parthasarathy, Balaji and Janaki Srinivasan. 2008. “How the Development of ICTs Affects ICTs for Development: Social Contestation in the Shaping of Standards for the Information Age.” Science Technology & Society 13: 279-301.
Peer-reviewed conference papers
Tampubolon, Hotma and Janaki Srinivasan. Forthcoming in December 2023. "Even More Work for Mother?: Online schooling and asymmetric parental involvement in Indonesia." Working Groups 8.2 and 9.4 Joint IFIP Conference,Hyderabad.
Petelka, Justin; Elisa Oreglia; Megan Finn and Janaki Srinivasan. 2022. “Generating Practices: Investigations into the Double Embedding of GDPR and Data Access Policies.” Proceedings of the ACM Human Computer Interaction 6, CSCW2 (November), 1-26.
Hanbal, Rajesh Dinesh, Amit Prakash and Janaki Srinivasan. 2020. “Who Drives Data in Data-Driven Governance? The Politics of Data Production in India’s Livelihood Program.” In ACM Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, ICEGOV 2020, 485–493.
Chaudhuri, Bidisha; Purnabha Dasgupta; Onkar Hoysala; Linus Kendall and Janaki Srinivasan. 2017. “Actor-Networks and Practices of Development: Impact of a Weather Information System in West Bengal.” In 14th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries (ICT4D), Yogyakarta, Indonesia. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Vol 504: 809-81.
Chaudhuri, Bidisha; Linus Kendall; Janaki Srinivasan; Onkar Hoysala, and Purnabha Dasgupta. 2017. “Understanding capabilities through everyday practice: The case of a weather information system for farmers in West Bengal.” In ACM Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD ’17), Lahore, Pakistan.
Johri, Aditya and Janaki Srinivasan. 2014. “Aligning with Data: Populating the ‘Unique Identity’ Infrastructure in India.” In ACM Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Baltimore.
Finn, Megan; Janaki Srinivasan and Rajesh Veeraraghavan. 2014. “Seeing with Paper: Government Documents and Material Participation.” In IEEE Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii. Awarded the Best paper award in the Digital and Social Media track.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Jenna Burrell. 2013. “Revisiting the Fishers of Kerala, India.” In IEEE Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Cape Town.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Aditya Johri. 2013. “Creating Machine Readable Men: Legitimizing the ʻAadhaarʼ Mega E-Infrastructure Project in India.” In IEEE Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Cape Town.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2010. “From Telecom Switches to Telecenters: Changes in the “Telecom for Development” Discourse in India (1947-1999).” In IEEE Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development, University of London.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2007. “The Role of Trustworthiness in Information Kiosk Projects.” In IEEE Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Bangalore, 345-352.
Book reviews
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2015. “Reimagining Terms, Rethinking Expertise.” [Review of the book New Media, Development and Globalization: Making Connections in the Global South by Don Slater]. Information Technologies & International Development 11(1).
Other Research Outputs
Taduri, Pradyumna and Janaki Srinivasan. 2020. “The Gig Lane - A week in the life of a food delivery worker in Bangalore.” Game based on field research on platform work. Available at https://www.thegiglane.com/
Courses I teach at IIITB
- Module on "Relationship between (digital) technologies and economic development" in Social Pathways to Information Technologies course (undergraduate)
- Privacy in the Digital Age (Graduate) with T K Srikanth and V Srihdar
- Ethnographic Research Approaches (Graduate)
- Technology in Development (Earlier called The Digital and its Discontents) (Graduate)
- Technology and Society (Graduate) with Bidisha Chaudhuri
Detailed syllabi of the courses I currently teach at IIITB are here.
Students and Mentees
PhD dissertation supervision (at IIITB)
- Oindrila Matilal, Uninterruptible Childcare, Interruptible Career Progression : A Case of Women in the Software Services Sector in India during Covid-19, 2023
- Rajesh Hanbal, Information Systems and Multiple Transparencies: The Case of India’s Livelihood Program, 2022 (co-supervised with Amit Prakash)
Doctoral Advisory Committee member
- Sarah Khan, IIIT Delhi, Tentative Topic: Policymaking on climate crisis (Supervisor: Aasim Khan)
- Neha Arya, IIT Delhi, Tentative Topic: Gig work and evolving labour market conditions in India (Supervisor: Reetika Khera)
- Rishabh Kachroo, Shiv Nadar University, Tentative Topic: Science and the public, actors and discourses in India and Pakistan: Covid-19 knowledge politics as a case study (Supervisor: Rajeswari Raina)
- Chandrima Bhattacharya, IIITB, Tentative Topic: Crossborder gig work (Supervisor V.Sridhar)
- Reijul Sachdeva, IIITB, Tentative Topic: Privacy (Supervisor V.Sridhar)
- O.Aishwarya, IIITB, Tentative Topic: Designing Educational Experiences for the Global South (Supervisor: Amit Prakash)
- Rashmi P.S., IIITB, Tentative Topic: Making of Infrastructures: Exploring Digital Public Infrastructure Planning in Indian Cities (Supervisor: Bidisha Chaudhuri)
- Arvind Upreti, IIITB, Analysis of the Dynamics of Task Automation and its effect on Labour Market, 2023 (Supervisor: V.Sridhar)
Masters thesis/report supervision (at IIITB)
- Hotma Uli Tampubolon, MSc (Digital Society), Interaction between parental involvement in online school and division of household labour in Batu, East Java, Indonesia, 2021
- Wildan Setiawan, MSc (Digital Society), Understanding online fame: The affective labor of internet celebrities in Indonesia, 2021
- Mounika Neerukonda,Integrated MTech, Fairwork India 2018-2019 Report and Analysis, 2020
- Pradyumna Taduri, MSc (Digital Society), Delivering Consent: Work Games in On-Demand Food Delivery Platforms, 2019 (co-supervised with Balaji Parthasarathy)
- Tejas Pande, MSc (Digital Society, Data, Data Every Where, and Citizens Put It to Use: A Case of Data-Centred Civic Initiatives in India, 2017
- Anisha Nazareth, Integrated MTech, Constructing E-Waste: An Ethnographic Study of an E-Waste Campaign in South Bangalore, 2017
- Onkar Hoysala, MS (Research), The Quiet Politics of Data: A Case Study of an Academic Transportation Modelling Laboratory in India, 2017
On examination committee
- Shivangi Garg, MSc (Digital Society), Coming Out, Queer Presentations and Community: Dating App Uses of Urban Young Indian Queers, 2021 (Supervisor: Preeti Mudliar)
- Alfa Taufan Latif, MSc (Digital Society), Reframing Masculinity through Religious Social Media Influencers in Indonesia, 2021 (Supervisor: Preeti Mudliar)
- Olivia Nelar, MSc (Digital Society), Analysis of privacy intrusions in social media: Case of Bandung city area traffic control system Instagram postings, 2020 (Supervisor: V.Sridhar)
- Faiq Wildana, MSc (Digital Society), Analysis of the impact of data localization: Case of Indonesia, 2020 (Supervisor: V.Sridhar)
- Hario Bismo, MSc (Digital Society), Digital literacy among children in elementary schools of Indonesia, 2020 (Supervisor: Amit Prakash)
- Priyanka Ivatury, MSc (Digital Society), The Social Construction of Paper Based Health Records, 2017 (Supervisor: Amit Prakash)
Recent and ongoing research projects
- “My data or yours?” Unraveling Privacy Among Consumers of Digital Credit in India with V.Sridhar (IIITB), T.Srikanth (IIITB) and Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS), funded by Centre for Effective Global Action, UC Berkeley, 2022
- COVID Data Infrastructure Builders: Creating Resilient and Sustainable Research Collaborations with Amelia Acker (UT Austin), Bidisha Chaudhuri (IIITB), Ryan Ellis (North Eastern, Boston), Megan Finn (UW Seattle), funded by NSF, 2021
- Recovering Food Narratives and Reimagining Health: Digital documentation of cultural practices around food, farming, dietary transitions and nutrition in western Avadh, Uttar Pradesh, India with civil society group Sangtin (Sitapur) and Richa Kumar (IIT Delhi), 2020-2021
- Fairwork Foundation: Towards Fairwork in the Platform Economy with Balaji Parthasarathy (IIITB), funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Germany and Oxford Internet Institute, 2020-2023
- Humanising Automation with Sachit Rao and Bidisha Chaudhuri (IIITB), funded by Govt. of Karnataka and IIITB's Machine Intelligence and Robotics Centre, 2018-2023
- Data and Algorithmic Fairness in Public Policies and Services with Sachit Rao and Bidisha Chaudhuri (IIITB), funded by Govt. of Karnataka and IIITB's Machine Intelligence and Robotics Centre, 2018-2023
- Identities with Sarita Seshagiri (IIITB) and Savita Bailur (Caribou Digital), funded by Caribou Digital and Omidyar Networks, 2016-17
- Open and/or Apolitical? A critical re???examination of Open Information Systems with Bidisha Chaudhuri (IIITB), funded by Singapore Internet Research Centre and IDRC, 2015-17
- Intermediaries, Cash Economies, and Technological Change in Myanmar and India with Elisa Oreglia (SOAS University of London), funded by The Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion, UC Irvine, 2015-16
Book talks on The Political Lives of Information, October 2022 onwards
School of Information, UC Berkeley, Wednesday, October 12, 4:10 pm to 5:30 pm PDT. More details here
School of Education and Information Studies, UC Los Angeles, Thursday, Oct 13, 3 pm PDT
Institute for Practical Ethics & South Asia Initiative, UC San Diego, Friday, Oct 14, 11 am to 1 pm PDT
School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, Monday, 17 October, 1 pm to 2 pm EDT. More details here
George Mason University, Tuesday, 18 October, 11 am to 12 noon EDT
MUSE, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Wednesday, 19 October, 12 noon to 1 pm CDT. More details here
Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, 15 November, 3pm IST (Virtual)
Microsoft Africa Research Institute (MARI), Wednesday, 26 November, 2 pm to 3 pm EAT (Virtual)
Seminar on Critical Computing, University of Toronto, Wednesday, 30 November (Virtual)
Association for Information Systems and Technology (ASIS&T) Meet the Author series, Thursday, 10-11 am EST (Virtual). More details here.
LaborTech Research Network Speaker series, Fri, March 17, 10-12pm EST (Virtual). More details here
Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, March 31, 12-1.30pm (Virtual). More details here.
In Conversation with Niveditha Menon at Goobe's Book Republic, Church Stree, Bangalore, April 22, 7pm IST onwards. More here.
In Conversation with Niveditha Menon at Centre for Budget and Policy Studies, Bangalore, April 28, 4pm IST.
In Conversation with Aditi Surie as part of Publics@IIHS, June 22, 6pm IST. Video now available here.
Quicksand Design Studio, October 11, 4.30pm IST.
Going Global series, Kings College London, Wed, Jan 31, 1-2.30 UK time (Virtual).
I discussed my book with Sarthak Pradhan on Takshashila Institute's All things Policy podcast in June 2023.
Here‘s a wonderful conversation I had about the book with Jen Hoyer of the New Books Network Podcast series in November 2022.
Reviews of the book
- Srravya Chandiramowuli's review of the book in Information and Culture.
- Amrita Vasudevan's review in the Information Society.
- Rajadeep Pakanati's review in the International Journal of Communication.
- Suraj Beri's review of the book is now available on the LSE Review of Books (linked here).
- Maya Dodd’s review of the book is now available in the Oct-Dec 2022 issue of Biblio:A Review of Books (and currently linked here).
Conference Panels and Invited Talks
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2024. Invited speaker on the keynote panel "Redefining Digital Labor: Forms and Structures in Shifting Tech Landscapes." Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Flashpoint Symposium, Hyderebad, April 13.
Srinivasan, Janaki; Balaji Parthasarathy; Mounika Neerukonda; Bilahari M; Meghashree Balaraj; Raktima Kalita; Aditya Singh and Mark Graham. "'My Male Colleagues Ask Me Why I Don’t Work in a Mall Instead': The Gendered Labour of Gig Work in India." Technical session 1.3 of the Gig Work Track. 64th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, Hyderabad, March 29-31.
Parthasarathy, Balaji; Janaki Srinivasan; Mounika Neerukonda; Bilahari M; Meghashree Balaraj; Raktima Kalita; Aditya Singh and Mark Graham. "Transcending the Formal-informal Divide in Gig Work on Digital Platforms: The Evidence from India." Technical session 1.1 of the Gig Work Track. 64th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, Hyderabad, March 29-31.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2024. Invited speaker at a Rountable on "The Contexts of DECISION, Decisions about Context’ hosted at IIM Calcutta." Organised by DECISION, the IIM Calcutta-Springer journal, Kolkata, March 4.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2024. “Seeing like a State, but with even more Data? The need to move from Data Worship to Repoliticising Data in governance.” Invited panelist on the “Policy Paradigms in the Era of Digital State: Implications for Inclusive Governance, Citizenship and Social Transformation” panel. Global Conclave 2024: Advancing Human Development in the Global South, Delhi, January 11-13.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2023. “Of Disruption and Continuities: The Place of History and Politics in Researching the Information Age.” Keynote at After Latour: Globalisation, Inequity and Climate Change. IFIP Joint Conference, Hyderabad, December 7-8.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2023. “The Political Lives of Information.” Plenary talk at the Digital & Society Winter School of Social Sciences, French Institute of Pondicherry, November 13-17.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2023. Invited panelist on the "Digital Divides and Inclusion" panel. Trustworthy Digital ID International Conference, IIIT-Bangalore, September 15.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2023. Invited panelist on "Gig Workers and their rights." Charcha Series. Organised by Jan Awaaz & Vikalp Sangam, August 7.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2023. Invited panelist on "Towards Fair Working Conditions in the World of Platform Work.’ Public panel organised by Phenix Center and Fairwork Project, Amman, June 7.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Bilahari M. 2023. Invited talk on "The Future (and Present) of Gig Workers in India." Technical Session on Gig and Platform Workers’ Welfare. International Labour Conclave, Thiruvananthapuram, May 24-26.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Sudha Nagavarapu. 2023. Invited talk on "Recovering Food Narratives and Reimagining Health." Workshop on Web Science for Development, IIITB, March 17.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2023. Invited panelist on "Towards Good and Better Jobs: Budget 2023" organised by Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) International, March 17.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2022. “No one knows Kannada there”: The mediated nature of “direct” platform services.” Paper at “The Platform Economy and Its Contradictions in South Asia” panel, 50th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin Madison, October 21.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2022. "Towards a Policy for Gig Workers.” Action Aid Webinar, September 15.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2022. “Privacy in Digital Communication.” Visiting Professor class for students of the Communication program at Universitas Diab Nuswantoro, Semarang, Indonesia, 30 June.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2022. “Unseeing the pandemic: The making of “missing” data and the Indian state.” Paper presented at the Digital India and State Making Virtual Workshop, 28-29 June. University of Pennsylvania’s Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI).
Srinivasan, Janaki; Mounika Neerukonda and Amruta Mahuli. 2022. “One Platform, Many Worlds: The Precarity of Platform Workers in India.” Paper at the “Infrastructure, Innovation and Telecommunications: Evidence From the South(s)” panel. 72nd Annual International Communication Association conference, May 30.
Ellis, Ryan; Janaki Srinivasan; Megan Finn; Bidisha Chaudhuri; Stacey Wedlake; Amelia Acker and Youngrim Kim. 2021. “Data Care During Crisis: A Comparative analysis of COVID data infrastructure builders in India and the USA.” Paper at the “Data / Care: Relations, Affects, Practices” panel, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Toronto, October 6-9.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2021. Invited panelist on “Challenges of gig workers around the world” organised by AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers, May 18.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2021. Invited speaker on “The Politics of Data Production in the MGNREGA programme,” Talks@Tandem series. January 8.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2020. Invited panelist to discuss the book “Inclusive Innovation: Evidence and Options in Rural India,” IndiaLICS Webinar Series 3 on Inclusive Innovation: Problematizing The State and S&T in Rural India. October 31.
Taduri, Pradyumna and Srinivasan, Janaki. 2020. “Weapons of the Weak in a Digital Age? The Case of Food Delivery Workers in Bangalore, India.” Paper at the “Taming Platform Capitalism: Struggles from the Global South meet struggles from the Global North” panel, Association of Internet Researchers conference, October 5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5210/spir.v2020i0.11111
Srinivasan, Janaki and Chaudhuri, Bidisha. 2020. “The Creativity of ‘Routine’ Work: The Case of Data Labellers in Bangalore, India.” Paper presented at the “Codifying Knowledge or Disembodying Work? Cases of Work Practice from India” panel, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, virPrague, August 18-21.
Taduri, Pradyumna and Srinivasan, Janaki. 2020. “The Gig Lane” game presented at the “Making and Doing” session, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, virPrague, August 18-21. Game available at https://www.thegiglane.com/
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2020. Invited speaker on “Ethnography in Information Systems research,” Rendezvous with Information Systems Researchers Talk Series. Co-hosted by AIS India Chapter and the Centre for Software & Information Technology Management, IIM Bangalore. August 18.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2020. Invited speaker on panel “Machine Intelligence for Decision-makers: Novelty, Opportunities, Challenges and Impact.” IIITB Machine Intelligence and Robotics (MinRO) Webinar Series. June 8.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2019. Invited talk on “Data or an anti-politics machine?” at Towards an Ethical Digital Society: From Theory to Practice. 4th edition of the IIITB Winter School. Bangalore, December 9-11.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Elisa Oreglia. 2019. “China, India, and the Legacies of Western Techno-Colonialism.” Paper presented at the “Uncovering Histories of Techno-Optimism: Energetic Futures and the State” panel, Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting, Milan, October 24-27.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2019. Invited speaker on “Digital Economy: Education, Knowledge and Learnings” at the Human Future in Digital Era workshop. National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore, August 5.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2019. Invited session on “Who is the Human at the Centre of Human-Centred AI?” ACM SIGCHI Summer School on Expanding the Horizons of Human-Centered AI. India Habitat Centre, Delhi, July 24-27.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2019. Invited panelist at the "Suitability for consumer data use and product design" panel, Regulating Data-driven Finance.4th Dvara Research Conference. Dvara Research, April 4-5.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2019. Invited panelist at the “Public Policy and Public Administration Education in South Asia/India: Challenges and Opportunities” plenary, Governance in an Era of Inequality: Training the Next Generation of Policy Practitioners in South Asia conference. NASPAA and Jindal School of Government and Public Policy, February 25.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2019. Invited speaker at the “Preferable Futures” panel, UnBox 2019 Design Festival, Bangalore, February 16.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Elisa Oreglia. 2018. “Placeless and Faceless in Asia?: Mythmaking and Moral Economies in the Digital Age.” Paper presented at the Techno-Optimism Within and Beyond Silicon Valley conference, UC Berkeley Centre for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society, October 19-20.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2018. Invited speaker at the “What can MobileHCI learn from the Global South?” panel, MobilHCI conference, Barcelona, September 4-7.
Rao, Sachit; Bidisha Chaudhuri and Janaki Srinivasan. 2018. “To Bot or Not to Bot, that’s the question.” Paper presented at the "Artificial Intelligence and Cognition as Social Praxis" panel, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Sydney, August 29 -September 1.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Bidisha Chaudhuri. 2018. “What is the future of work in the technology sector?” Question Marks Seminar. Australia India Institute, Melbourne, August 28.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2018. “Seeing Invisibility: Technology in Development.” Invited talk at Centre for Budget and Policy Studies, Bangalore, June 28.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2017. “Unique or Just Another ID?: Seeing the State with (U)IDs in India.” Paper at the Technology, Politics and Governance in India panel of the 46th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin Madison, October 26-28.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2016. Invited participant at the International Research Seminar on Family Empowerment in South Asia, Chittagong, October 1. Asian University for Women.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Elisa Oreglia. 2016. “Digital Myths and the Making of a Moral Economy.” Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Advancement of Socioeconomics (SASE), Berkeley, June 24-26.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2015. Invited participant at the Expert Group Meeting on Women and ICT Frontier Initiative (WIFI) Programme, Incheon, 7-8 May. United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development.
Oreglia, Elisa and Janaki Srinivasan. 2015. “Re-embedding Market Information Systems: Thoughts on Design.” Poster presented at the iConference, Newport Beach.
Srinivasan, Janaki; Megan Finn and Morgan Ames. 2015. “Beyond Information Determinism to Information Orders: A New Framework for Policy.” Poster presented at the iConference, Newport Beach.
Burrell, Jenna and Janaki Srinivasan. 2014. “Revisiting the Fishermen of Kerala, India.” Talk at the Energy and Resources Group Colloquium, University of California Berkeley, March 5.
Srinivasan, Janaki and Rajesh Veeraraghavan. 2013. “Recording Work, Anchoring Politics: The Role of ‘Muster Rolls’ in Public Work Schemes in India.” Paper at the 42nd Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin Madison, October 20.
Finn, Megan; Lilly Irani; Christo Sims and Janaki Srinivasan. 2013. “Information and Communication Technologies, Aspiration and Identity.” Panel at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, San Diego, October 9 -12.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2013. “Mobiles and Mobility: The Use of Mobile Phones by Fishers in Kerala, India.” Talk at the Human Computer Interaction Seminar Series,Virginia Tech, April 26.
Duguid, Paul; Megan Finn; Ashwin Mathew and Janaki Srinivasan. 2011. “The Informational State: Paradigm Or Paradox?” Panel at the iConference, University of Washington, Seattle, February 8-11.
Srinivasan, Janaki. 2010. Invited participant at the Indo–UK Roundtable Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, Bangalore, January 11 – 13. British High Commission and IIITB.
Burrell, Jenna; Padraig Carmody; Anita Gurumurthy; James Murphy and Janaki Srinivasan. 2010. “How can ICT Research Better Inform and Communicate Theories of Development and Globalization? New Challenges and Promising Directions” Panel at the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development, London, December 13–14.
Kuriyan, Renee; Joyojeet Pal; Aishwarya Ratan; Isha Ray and Janaki Srinivasan. 2008. “Information And Communication Technologies and Development.” Panel at the 23rd South Asia Annual Conference, Berkeley, February 14 – 16.
Parthasarathy, Balaji and Janaki Srinivasan. 2006. “Innovation and its Social Impacts: The Role of Ethnography in the Evaluation and Assessment of ICTD Projects.” Paper presented at Globelics India 2006- Innovation Systems for Competitiveness & Shared Prosperity in Developing Countries, Trivandrum, October 4. Center for Development Studies, Trivandrum and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.
Workshop (co) organization
Workshop on Datafication at IIIT-Bangalore, December 13-14, 2022 (with French Institute of Pondicherry (IFP))
3rd IEEE InDITA (Digital Inclusion Through Trust & Agency) Open Space Workshop at IIIT-Bangalore, July 13-14, 2022 (with IEEE).
Qualitative Research in Information Systems: Tools & Tips Virtual Workshop, January 14-15, 2022 (with Association for Information Systems India Chapter; and Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi).
E-Governance track of Kerala Looks Ahead conference, February 1-3, 2021 (with Amit Prakash and Kerala State Planning Board)
Qualitative Research in Information Systems: Tools & Tips Virtual Workshop, November 9-10, 2020 (with Association for Information Systems India Chapter; and Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi).
Identity Unconference at IIIT-Bangalore, July 10-11, 2018 (with IEEE and Internet Identity Workshop).
Online Platform Labour Workshop at IIIT-Bangalore, July 5, 2018 (with Fairwork Foundation, UK).
Internet Researchers' Conference at IIIT-Bangalore, March 3-5, 2017 (with Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore).
No Cash, No Intermediaries? Workshop at IIIT-Bangalore, November 11, 2016 (with support from Institute for Money Technology and Financial Inclusion, University of California Irvine).