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Education : Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State University)
Professor Bapat received her Ph.D. from Penn State University. Her thesis was in the area of semi-blind equalization applied to communication systems. After graduation, she worked on design and implementation of voice-band (V.34) and DSL (G.lite) modems at Ariel Corp and Lucent Technologies respectively. Her area of interest is Digital Signal Processing as applied to communication systems. In particular, she is interested in semi-blind identification as applied to OFDM systems.
Wireless communication systems, Opportunistic communication , Cognitive Radios and communication for Internet of Thing , semi-blind identification as applied to OFDM systems
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
- Sasirekha GVK ,George Mathew Tharakan, Jyotsna Bapat, “Energy Control Game Model for Dynamic Spectrum Scanning”, International Journal of Autonomous & Adaptive Communication Systems, Inderscience ( accepted and to be published)
- Rajagopal Sreenivasan, Sasirekha GVK and Jyotsna Bapat, Adaptive Threshold based on Group Intelligence, International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications,Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center, (Accepted –to be published)
- J. Bapat, “Partially Blind Identification: Maximum Likelihood based approaches and Cramer-Rao Bound”, Signal Processing, 1998
Conference Publications
- Sasirekha GVK, Jyotsna Bapat, “” Optimal Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Ad-hoc Networks: A multilayer approach CogART2011 4th International Workshop on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management. in conjunction with ISABEL 2011, Rome, Italy.
- Sasirekha GVK, Jyotsna Bapat, “” Optimal Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Ad-hoc Networks: A Multi-Layer Approach ", Women in Computing, Grace Hopper 2010, India, Poster Presentation.
- Rajagopal Sreenivasan, Sasirekha GVK and Jyotsna Bapat, Adaptive Threshold based on Group Decisions for Distributed Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Adhoc Networks, Wimone 2010www.springerlink.com/index/UN79P72378100113.pdf
- Sasirekha GVK, Jyotsna Bapat ,” Optimal Number of Sensors in Energy Efficient Distributed Spectrum Sensing”, CogART 2010. 3rd International Workshop on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management. in conjunction with ISABEL 2010. November 08-10, 2010, Rome, Italy.
- Sasirekha GVK, Jyotsna Bapat, ” Cognitive Radios: A Technology for 4G Mobile Terminals", Third Innovative Conference on Embedded Systems, Mobile Communication and Computing, 11th- 14th August, 2008, Infosys, Mysore, India, http://www.pes.edu/mcnc/icemc2/
- G. N. Srinivasa Prasanna, Amrita Lakshmi, Sumanth. S, Vijaya Simha, Jyotsna Bapat, and George Koomullil, “Data Communication over the Smart Grid”, ISPLC 2009.
- M. Ravel, M. Change, M. McDermott, M. Morrow, N. Teslic, M. Katona and J. Bapat, “A Cross-Curriculum Open Design Platform Approach to Electronic and Computing Systems Education”, accepted, International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education (MSE09), 2009.
- J. Bapat and Amrita Lakshmi, “A Frequency Domain Approach to Channel shortening in OFDM Systems,” International Networking and Communications Conference (INCC), Lahore, Pakistan, May 1-3, 2008 (Nominated for Best Paper Award).
- Amrita Lakshmi, G. Kumoollil and J. Bapat, “Coding and Diversity Schemes for OFDM Based Narrowband Power-line Communications”, International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications ATC 2008.
- J. Bapat, “Integration of laboratory experience for enhancing the Digital Signal Processing concepts”, ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section 2005 Conference, April 2005