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Assistant Professor
Education : Ph.D. (IISc Bangalore)
Manikandan R R received his Ph.D degree from Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2014. His Ph.D thesis focus on "Low power and low spur frequency synthesizer circuit techniques for energy efficient wireless transmitters". From 2015 to 2016, he worked as a Lead design Engineer in Cadence Designs Systems, Bangalore, and designed frequency synthesizer circuits for SERDES applications. From 2016 to 2017, he was a member of Kilby Research Labs, Texas Instruments, Bangalore and designed ultra-low power analog circuits for an IoT power management application. From 2017 to 2023, he worked as an Analog Design Engineer at Texas Instruments and designed Isolated power and data transfer circuits and precision analog circuits.
Personal Webpage : https://sites.google.com/view/manirr8687-mylearnings/about-me
1. Ultra low power analog circuits for IoT and Battery powered applications
2. Ultra low power and wide temperature range precision analog circuits
3. Isolated power and data transfer circuits
4. Phase locked loops
Conference Publications :
1. "Overview of Cryo-CMOS Devices and Circuits for Quantum Computing Applications", Manikandan R R, International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (IEEE – iSES), 2023 (Invited Paper).
2. ”150nA Iq, Quad Input - Quad Output, Intelligent Integrated Power Management for IoT Applications”, Vipul Singhal, Rajat Chauhan, Vinod Menezes, Manikandan R R, Raveesh Magod, Mahesh Mehendale, Anantha Chandrakasan, International Conference on VLSI Design, 2021 (Best Paper Award).
3. ”A 1.2 pJ/cycle KHz Timer Circuit for Heavily Duty-Cycled Systems”, Manikandan R R, Vipul Singhal, Rajat Chauhan, Vinod Menezes, Mahesh Mehendale, International Conference on VLSI Design, January 2018 (Honorable Mention Award).
4. ”A High Performance Switchable Multi-band Inductor Structure for LC-VCOs”, Manikandan R R, Venkata Narayana Rao Vanukuru, International Conference on VLSI Design, January 2017.
5. ”A Parameterized Cell Design for High-Q, Variable Width and Spacing Spiral Inductors”, Manikandan R R, Venkata Narayana Rao Vanukuru, Anjan Chakravorty, Bharadwaj Amrutur, International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC), December 2014.
6. ”Design and modeling of high-Q variable width and spacing, planar and 3-D stacked spiral inductors”, Manikandan R R, Venkata Narayana Rao Vanukuru, Anjan Chakravorty, Bharadwaj Amrutur, International symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), July 2014.
Journal Publications :
1. ”Experimental study on substrate noise effects of a pulsed clocking scheme on PLL performance”, Manikandan R R, Bharadwaj Amrutur, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, December 2013.
2. ”A digital frequency multiplication technique for energy efficient transmitters”, Manikandan R R, Abhishek Kumar, Bharadwaj Amrutur, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (TVLSI) systems, March 2014.
3. ”A zero charge-pump mismatch current tracking loop for reference spur reduction in PLLs”, Manikandan R R, Bharadwaj Amrutur, Micro-electronics journal, Elsevier, June 2015.
Patents :
1. ”Self Calibrating ON-OFF Keying based Digital Isolator”, App.No. 17/489,483, to be granted, Manikandan R R, Anurag kumar Shrivastava, Anant Kamath, et al, 2021.
2. ”Single inductor multiple output regulator”,US 11,190,105, Vipul Kumar Singhal, Manikandan R R, Rajat Chauhan, Vinod Menezes, November, 2021.
3. ”Load current measurement”, US 10,447,142, Vinod Menezes, Manikandan R R, Rajat Chauhan, Vipul Kumar Singhal, Mahesh Madhukar Mehendale, Kaichien Tsai, October, 2019.
4. ”Ultra-low energy per cycle oscillator topology”, US 2019/0028089, Manikandan R R, January, 2019.
1. EC212 Analog Circuits Theory (Jan-April, 2024)
2. VL804 Analog Power Integrated Circuits (Jan-April, 2024)
3. VL502 Analog CMOS VLSI Design (Aug-Nov, 2023)
Seminars, Tutorials, and Workshops Offered :
1. Isolated Power and Data Transfer Circuits, Invited talk at IEEE SSCS/Photonics Society Joint PES Institute of Technology Bangalore student chapter, 22nd Nov, 2023.
2. Cryo-CMOS Circuits and Systems for Quantum Computing Applications, at IIIT-B, 11th September, 2023.
3. Ultra-Low Power Voltage Reference Circuits, at IIIT-B, 24th June, 2023.