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Associate Professor, M.Tech Programme Coordinator, Faculty-in-charge Student Exchange
Education : Ph.D. (Ohio State University)
Ph.D.(Ohio State University)
Dr Sachit Rao obtained his Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the Ohio State University. His specialization is in the area of Control Systems and Theory with an emphasis on Sliding Mode Control.
He has over 3 years of post-doctoral experience working in the areas of control of electric machines, swarms of dynamic agents, and guidance laws for tactical interceptors. He also has 3 years of industrial experience working for an Indian robotics company. Prior to joining IIITB, he was a faculty in the Aerospace Engineering department of Jain University for a year.
His interests lie in the design and implementation of controllers for robotic manipulators and unmanned systems. He is also interested in using tools from Computer Science in widening the areas of applicability of automatic control.
Control Systems and Theory, Robotics, Computer Vision, Statistical Learning, Energy-aware Computing
- Sulakshan Arya, Sachit Rao, and B. Dattaguru. Effect of asymmetric control constraints on fixed-wing UAV trajectories (Accepted for Publication). IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2018.
- Shashi Ranjan Kumar, Sachit Rao, and Debasish Ghose. Non-singular terminal sliding mode guidance with impact angle constraints. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 37(4):1114–1130, 2014.
- Sachit Rao and Debasish Ghose. Sliding mode control based autopilots for leaderless consensus of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 22(5):1964–1972, December 2013.
- Sachit Rao, Martin Buss, and Vadim Utkin. Design of first and second order sliding mode observers for induction machines using a stator flux based model. International Journal of Control, 83(7):1457–1464, 2010.
- Vaishnav Ram Savarni K R and Sachit Rao. Feedback Control Based Spatial Filter Window Size Selection for Image Processing. In Fifth Indian Control Conference, 2019.
- Sachit Rao. Designing sliding modes to control the longitudinal states of fixed-wing aircraft incorporating control bounds. In Fifth Indian Control Conference, 2019.
- Sachit Rao. Selection of switching surface parameters in the presence of control constraints in aerospace applications. In VSS 2018–The 15th International Workshop on Variable Structure
- Systems, 2018.
- Sachit Rao, Bidisha Chaudhuri, and Janaki Srinivasan. To bot or not to bot, that’s the question. In 4S Sydney--Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Conference, 2018.
- Sulakshan Arya and Sachit Rao. Effect of control saturation on the tracking of longitudinal states of an aircraft. In 4th International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, NIT–Trichy, February 2016.
- Introduction to Control Systems and Theory
- Introduction to Robotics
- Probability and Statistics
- Intelligent Mobile Robots
- Embedded Systems