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Director, IIITB
Education : Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)
Dr. Debabrata Das is serving as Director of IIIT Bangalore (IIITB). Before joining IIITB in 2002, he had served at G S Sanyal School of Telecommunication at IIT Kharagpur and later at Kirana Networks in New Jersey, USA. He is Project Officer of National Mission for Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems in the areas of Advanced Communication System, from DST, Govt of India. He was PI of multiple sponsored projects from Intel, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Motorola Research, Tejas Networks, Nokia, Govt. of India, in the areas of Broadband Wireless MAC/QoS/Energy-saving, and IMS. His main areas of research interest are IoT and Wireless Access Network's MAC, QoS, Power saving. Dr. Das received his Ph.D. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
He has more than 200 peer reviewed papers in different Transaction/Journals and International Conferences. Dr. Das has received 9 best paper awards. He has 5 US/Indian patents and 11 more are under review. He and his wireless network team had contributed ideas to IEEE Wireless Broadband Standard. He has received Prof. K. Sreenivasan Memorial Award 2017 for excellent teaching and Prof. S V C Aiya Memorial Award 2022 for Research in the areas of Telecommunication and Electronics from IETE. Dr. Das is recipient of IEEE Region-10 Outstanding Volunteer Award 2020, Global IEEE MGA Achievement Award 2012 and Outstanding Volunteer Award IEEE Bangalore Section 2008. He is Fellow-IETE, Fellow-IE and SM-IEEE. He is a Member of National Academy of Science India (NASI). He is Chair of IEEE India Council from 2023. He was Chairman of IEEE Bangalore Section 2017. Dr. Das is in Steering, Empower and Technical committees of multiple Departments of Government of India and Government of Karnataka.