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The polyhedron (5, 5, 5)*

Ramanujan Rediscovered

Elliptic Functions, Q-series, Partitions and Related Number Theory, with parallel sessions on Mathematics and IT - A Tribute to Prof K. Venkatachaliengar’s  life and work


Weierstrass P function

Weierstrass P function*

Indian Mathematical Society and IIIT-B, in conjunction with Dept of Science and Technology

June 1-5, 2009, Bangalore India



Call for Papers

Conference Program & Abstracts

Important Dates

Keynote Speakers

Registration & Travel Support

Pre & Post Tours


Photo Gallery




Call for Papers

Authors are invited to submit abstracts and full papers for presentation at the conference. Selected papers will also be published by the "Ramanujan Mathematical Society". Please refer to important dates for submission deadlines.

Upload papers

Steps to upload a paper are as follows:

  1. Create an account on the Conference easychair system.

  2. Upload the paper.


For more details please contact: mathitconf@iiitb.ac.in   



For more details please contact: mathitconf@iiitb.ac.in

* Banner images: Courtesy of "Wikipedia"

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