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The polyhedron (5, 5, 5)*

Ramanujan Rediscovered

Elliptic Functions, Q-series, Partitions and Related Number Theory, with parallel sessions on Mathematics and IT - A Tribute to Prof K. Venkatachaliengar’s  life and work


Weierstrass P function

Weierstrass P function*

Indian Mathematical Society and IIIT-B, in conjunction with Dept of Science and Technology

June 1-5, 2009, Bangalore India



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Photo Gallery

Prof. K Venkatachaliengar (1908 - 2003)

Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887 - 1920)

Figure 1: IMS Presidential Address by Prof KV introducing Ramanujan’s work on Elliptic Functions in 1980.

Figure 2: KV Presidential Address 1980, pages 2 and 3.

Figure 3: Prof Andre Weil’s letter to Prof KV.

Figure 4: Wooden Models of Complex Topological Surfaces kept at IIIT-B. These will be kept on display during the conference.

Figure 5: Wooden Models of Complex Topological Surfaces kept at IIIT-B. These will be kept on display during the conference.

Figure 6: Polyhedral Models illustrating counting through Group Theory at IIIT-B, copies of which will be given to educational institutions.

Figure 7: Polyhedral Models illustrating counting through Group Theory at IIIT-B, copies of which will be given to educational institutions.

Figure 8: Sockets for Polyhedral Models made of Plastic, along with Geometry Textbook made under the auspices of NCERT.



For more details please contact: mathitconf@iiitb.ac.in

* Banner images: Courtesy of "Wikipedia"

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