RMIT2019 is the tenth in the series on Ramanujan, Math and IT held annually. The conferences celebrate the genius of our nation's great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, and attempts to bring together pure and applied mathematicians, and information theory professionals together. Advances in mathematics ranging from convex analysis, number theory to algebraic geometry, are foundational for many advanced information technology applications today. Conversely, computational methods are becoming mainstream in many branches of mathematic today.
Ramanujan was an analytical number theorist par excellence. As such, the RMIT2019 pure mathematics track is devoted to number theory. Number Theory is one of the most ancient branches of pure Mathematics. Understanding the distribution of primes has been always a center of this subject. It has seen enormous development in last 20 years which includes proofs of Fermat's last theorem, Catalan's conjecture and Green Tao theorem. There are many connections between the theory of numbers and information theory. Number theory has important applications in computer organization and security, coding and cryptography, random number generation and graphics. Conversely, number theorists use computers in factoring large integers, determining primes, testing conjectures, and solving other problems.
The applied mathematics portion of RMIT2019 focuses on bio-informatics. Knuth has stated that biology has problems for computers for 500 years! Understanding biological systems requires advances in both foundational mathematics e.g. high dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems, their topological invariants, dimensionality reduction, bifurcation and analogous analysis with respects to many parameters, computational methods for genome sequencing with billions of base pairs, visualization etc, ... to name only a few. We hope that these RMIT conferences will results in fruitful interaction between pure and applied mathematicians, and information technology professionals.
Click here to view Past conferences
IISc, Bangalore
IMSc, Chennai
IBM Research
CMI, Chennai
IIT Kharagpur
Strand Life Sciences
IIT Bombay
IIIT Bangalore
IIT Gandhinagar
ISI Bangalore
Robert Bosch India Limited
IIIT Bangalore
A glimpse from RMIT-2018
IIIT Bangalore
26/C, Hosur Road
Electronic City, Phase-1
Bengaluru, Karnataka.