Activity Log

[10/2024] Jaya has been invited to serve as a Senior Associate Editor of IEEE TCSVT for a 2-year term starting in January 2025. This will be soon after the completion of her term as an Associate Editor at IEEE TCSVT in December 2024.
[10/2024] The paper by Vijay Jaisankar and Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair has been accepted at the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Searching and Mining Large
Collections of Geospatial Data (GeoSearch 2024). The paper titled "SuP-SLiP: Subsampled Processing of Large-scale Static LIDAR Point Clouds” will be presented in Atlanta, USA on October 28, 2024.
[10/2024] IEEE GRSS Conference reports by Jaya have appeared in IEEE GRSM on, namely, InGARSS 2023 (doi), IGARSS 2024 - impression of the first day (doi), IGARSS 2024 - awards banquet (doi).
[10/2024] Prince presented his paper on "CMA: An End-to-End System for Reverse Engineering Choropleth Map Images" at SIBGRAPI 2024 in Manaus, Brazil. The paper presented in the GRSL track at the conference has appeared in IEEE GRSL (doi).
[09/2024] Beryl and Ancy have completed their respective state-of-the-art seminars as a milestone in their Ph.D. degree. Congratulations to both!
[09/2024] GVCL has now shifted again. Its new coordinates are A312C, Aryabhata Building, IIIT Bangalore.
[09/2024] Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair gave an invited Talk at the Disaster Resilient and Research Foundation Talk Series on "Earthquake Susceptibility Mapping: In the Context of Single and Multiple Hazards," in the "Earthquake Preparedness and Response" theme.
[09/2024] Dhvani presented her paper on "WBF-ODAL: Weighted Boxes Fusion for 3D Object Detection from Automotive LiDAR Point Clouds" at ICVTTS 2024 in Bangalore, India, for which she received the Best Paper Award. Congratulations, Dhvani!
[08/2024] Birendra Kumar joined the lab as an MS by Research student. Welcome, Birendra! Aswathi is now officially a PhD student. Welcome back, Aswathi!
[07/2024] Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair has been invited to serve as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing (JISRS), Springer.
[07/2024] Dhvani presented her paper on "ME-ODAL: Mixture-of-Experts Ensemble of CNN Models for 3D Object Detection from Automotive LiDAR Point Clouds" at DeLTA 2024 in Dijon, France. The paper is available in Springer CCIS (doi).
[07/2024] Aswathi presented her paper on "Scaling up Study Area Size in Flood Susceptibility Mapping" at IGARSS 2024 in Athens, Greece.
[07/2024] Surya G S Chitti, Bachelor of Engineering, Civil Engg. and M.Sc., Mathematics (Year 4), BITS Pilani Hyderabad, joined the lab as an intern.
[06/2024] Shreyansh Shrivastava, M.Tech. Student, IIIT Hyderabad has joined the lab as an intern.
[06/2024] S. Mathai, P. Krishnan, and J. Sreevalsan Nair, “Understanding Graphical Literacy Using School Students’ Comprehension Strategies,” Contemporary Education Dialogue, pp. 1–35, 2024. (doi)
[06/2024] Jaya Sreevalsan Nair delivered an invited Talk at the Faculty Development Program on Data Exploration, Feature Engineering and Visualization,
RMK College of Technology, on "Data Visualization," "Graph Visualization," and "Feature Engineering," June 03, 2024.
[05/2024] GVCL had a lunch outing for bidding farewell to Rikin Ramachandran, and meeting with lab alumni.
[05/2024] GVCL actively participated in 3D Vision Summer School co-organized by IIIT Bangalore and IIIT Hyderabad, for which Jaya Sreevalsan Nair was one of the organizing committee members. (url)
[05/2024] Maanasa Rajaraman, Integrated MSc Theoretical Computer Science Student, PSG College of Technology, has joined the lab as an intern. [05/2024] Ancymol Thomas has successfully completed her Ph.D. comprehensive examination. Congratulations!
[05/2024] D. Katkoria, J. Sreevalsan-Nair, M. Sati, and S. Karunakaran, “ME-ODAL: Mixture-of-Experts Ensemble of CNN Models for 3D Object Detection from Automotive LiDAR Point Clouds,” in Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications (DeLTA) (accepted), INSTICC, Springer, 2024.
[05/2024] Jaya Sreevalsan Nair delivered an invited Talk at the HAL Management Academy for a session on Mastering the Art of Research Paper Writing
for Designers, "The Research Journey: From Concept to Completion," May 03, 2024.
[04/2024] J. Sreevalsan-Nair and A. Mundayatt, “Evolution of Data-driven Single- and Multi-Hazard Susceptibility Mapping and Emergence of Deep Learning Methods,” IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (accepted), April 2024.
[04/2024] Jaya Sreevalsan Nair delivered an invited Talk at the GIS Cell, MNNIT Allahabad, "Making Sense of LiDAR Point Clouds," April 12, 2024.
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