


Virtual Tour

The research at IIITB in Mathematics and Physics are given here.

Faculty Members

  • Prof. Manisha Kulkarni
    Research in MATHEMATICS is principally in the area of Number Theory; in particular, Algebraic Number Theory, Galois Representations, Modular Forms, Iwasawa Theory, Diophantine Equations, Galois Module structure and Elliptic curves. Research is also conducted in the fields of Algebraic Complexity Theory and Cryptography. The following two problems are representative of the mathematics research in IIITB: Let E be an elliptic curve over number field K. For every prime P where E has good reduction at P, we get one imaginary quadratic field associated to E. We are trying to see if we can get all imaginary quadratic fields by this procedure?
  • Prof. Balakrishnan Ashok and Shiva Kumar Malapaka
    In PHYSICS, there are two sub-domains of research focus at IIITB: (a) One sub-domain of research focus is on soft condensed matter physics, complex systems & dynamical systems theory, instabilities & synchronization in nonlinear systems (both physical and biological), and macromolecular systems. Topics include bubble dynamics & cavitation, vesicular nanotubulation, polyelectrolytic solutions, combustion, phase transitions in computationally hard problems, models of sensory systems, precipitation phenomena, etc.; (b) The other sub-domain of physics research is in computational fluid mechanics, especially simulations & modeling of hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulent flows, reduced resistive MHD simulations, low resolution simulations of 3D-HD and MHD turbulent flows including rotation & helical forcing and 3Danelastic HD and MHD code.