


Virtual Tour

Computer science at IIIT Bangalore covers the theoretical aspects of computation (formal methods, algorithms, and software), as well as the uses of computing in application domains such as robotics, cognitive science, software engineering, intelligent transportation systems, and sustainability. Computer science courses are the backbone of the integrated as well as the regular M.Tech programs here, and several courses map directly to placements and research on advanced topics.  Our past students have won laurels in competitive programming contests (a/k/a hackathons), and have gone on to careers or higher studies in very good companies and universities worldwide.

Faculty Members:

Pradeesha Ashok
Ashish Choudhury
Sujit Kumar Chakrabarti
Meenakshi D'Souza
V.N. Muralidhara
Sachit Rao
Shrisha Rao
Vivek Srinivas