


Virtual Tour

Message from the placement office

IIIT Bangalore is one of the best post-graduate institutions in India, specializing in areas such as Computer Science, AI and ML, Networking Communication, Electronic System Design, IT and Society. The institute boasts of an impressive faculty profile and a deeply ingrained culture of research and academic excellence. Students of IIIT-Bangalore fondly cherish the work ethic and a transparent, informal and culturally rich atmosphere. Academically the emphasis at IIIT Bangalore has always been on ensuring that the students get a sound conceptual foundation, excellent programming skills and on enabling them with higher order problem solving skills. This helps them to live up to the rather demanding expectations of real-world problems. We welcome you to our campus for the placement recruitment. We believe that you will find several suitable candidates from our multi-faceted talent pool and we assure the hiring process at our campus will be a pleasant experience. Our talented students will definitely make you proud as fellow colleagues.

If you have any queries or wish to recruit from IIIT Bangalore please write to The Placement Office at iiitb_placement@iiitb.ac.in with a cc to placement.committee@iiitb.ac.in.

Roshni DSouza

Senior Outreach Officer

Dinesh Babu Jayagopi

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAI), Faculty-in-charge Placement and Internship

Jayachandra C M

Junior Placement Coordinator

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